About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Why are certain people soo perfect?

Swimming Sports 2012

Consisted of:
  • tramming up along Chapel st.
  • walking around aimlessly trying to find people
  • changing into the clothing appropriate for the theme
  • putting on makeup and getting dolled up event hough there wasn't anyone to impress
  • eating loads of junk food
  • cheering and supporting
  • sitting down
  • listening to music on shitty speakers
  • laughing
  • dnm-ing
  • shopping
  • and last but not leastly, photo whoring. Feel bad for Mel because she had to upload 2 full albums on facebook and tag people.

we sho coott


Bought my first thing from Topshop today, and I was so happy and excited. It was so weird LOL. But anyways, I think I'm developing a fetish for European brands, so my next thing on my to buy list is something from Zara.

Eating out!

Sushi on bridge road

salmon bento box

LOL random Greek festival in the city on Lonsdale st.

your eyes are beautiful

Korean restaurant in China Town...

29th of February

-It only comes every 4 years.
-It's the last day of summer.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

List of items to bring tomorrow

-blanket/rug thingo to sit on
-sunglasses and prescription glasses
-drink bottle
-a whole lot of junk food
-comfy shoes
-purple coloured shit (ribbons, pom poms, nailpolish)
-Never Let Me Go book

All I do at swimming sports is take photos and eat crap loads of food. Which is why I'm planning to get all my homework done.

New abbreviations I've learnt

JC = Jesus Christ
AC = Air conditioner


It's almost been a whole week since I last posted something. Which shows that my life has been incredibly busy therefore I haven't had enough time to blog (what a load of bullshit). Anyways just a quick update, firstly with school. These last couple of days I have been madly catching up with Methods and I am slowly but surely getting there! Also I have a Chem sac incursion this Thursday which will be on the sac this Friday. Kill me now. Yeah basically, it's sac time so I gotta study study study. The only subjects I'm not worrying about right now are English, Studio Arts and Viet, hehe which is why I'm  currently loving these subjects the mostest! It's also swimming sports tomorrow. It was meant to be yesterday but thank god it got cancelled because of the shitty weather. Tomorrow's weather isn't any better (lol i made a rhyme), but oh well, at least it's not raining. Umm my social life has been close to nothing but hopefully that will change this weekend. LOL, the person I've been seeming to go out the most with recently is my sister. Probably because she's always there and I don't have to make the effort to organise times and meeting up places with other people. We've been eating out allot lately so I'll be posting up photos from my cool az nokia phone soon. I haven't worked in a while which is good because I am so fucking sick of bread, but I wouldn't mind taking another heap of bread home. And TC really needs to get some aircons for their rooms because it was so hot last week and I couldn't concentrate at all! Not that I concentrate when its normal weather....

Thursday 23 February 2012

I'm just going to make another post because I don't want my face to be the first thing that people see when they go on my blog. And random thought, I am so fucking hungry but my parents aren't home which means I'm going to have to cook shit up myself.

I look like a stoned bitch


Because I will be cutting my hair within the next 2 weeks. I'm actually so sick of my hair right now. I need change NOW.

Hopefully things turn out good because my hair = my life.

Gained a bit of self esteem from this

Swimming sports next week

And the theme is Tropicana. I need ideas asap gurlies. And I can't go as a hula/hawaiin girl with the leaf skirts and coconut bras because heaps of people are already doing that.

Happy Birthday Amelia!

Today after school a massive group of MGC girls inlcuding myself, went to Boheme on Bridge Rd. for a birthday lunch. It was actually so hectikk and all the other customers were looking at us cause we were soo loud. We all ordered pizza, apart from one of the girls who ordered bacon and eggs on toast.. LOL. Anyways I recommend people go there because it's only 5.50 for a pizza and it's really big so it's totally worth it.


Fucking work rostered me on for this Sunday at 9am. Which means if I can't find someone to cover it, then I need to skip tutor. And I feel bad because TC is expensive and my parents paid for it already.

Photo Day tips

-Avoid eating too much sodium the night before, things such as noodles, chips, salty shit etc.
-Drink allot of water.
-Sleep early.
-Put two spoons into your freezer the night before so you can put them on your eyes in the morning to stop the puffiness.
-Don't pluck your eyebrows the night before because it might still look red (lol I still plucked mine anyway).
-Use a matte foundation, oil-free or water based.
-Avoid hydrating, moisturiser infused or SPF infused foundations because they can make you look too white or shiny.
-Use salmon coloured concealer to hide dark circles.
-Use a matte powder and concentrate it on the centre and T-zone of your face.
-Fill in your brows and apply white eye shadow for the inner corner of your eyes.

Monday 20 February 2012

Meet my new lover

He's not amazingly hot but his voice IS.
In desperate need of someone who can make me a cool blog header thingo for my tumblr. It looks so bare without one.

Boiz n gurlz

Check out the page on the top of my blog that says "fave song atm" because I just updated it and the song is so  amazing/orgasmic/addictive

No social life

From now on I'm going to really try hard in school. Only internet for 30 minutes-1 hour a day, working 1-2 shifts a week and then home-working and studying with the rest of my time. I need to get into the habit of studying this year or else I'm fucked for year 12. Hehe all I gotta do is catch up with Methods because I'm like 2 chapters behind :(


I'm loving my classes with one of my friends, because all we do is stalk hot guys on facebook (YES, we have access from school because she brought her laptop with wifi!). AHHAAH whatever, call me weird but it's actually really funny coming up with scenarios of how to get in with these guys. Which is why I'm so behind with Methods it's not even funny.

Friday 17 February 2012

Sorry I haven't been blogging allot lately

I've been busy busy busy and nothing really exciting has happened with my life atm. The things that have been consuming up my time are
-homework (I still have so much to do BAIKSDBAOHSAKISJAIJS)

Thursday 16 February 2012

New photo blog!!!!


Lovin Life!

The main reasons why I love my school

1. We finish at 2pm on Tuesdays
2. We finish at 1.10pm on Thursdays

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Considering making a tumblr again, but only dedicating it to actual good photography and beautiful people. I won't follow shitty swag, tb blogs because it's too overrated and mainstream now. Soz if any of my readers are into that stuff...

why so sexy? ;)


Ask me kinky shit

Who's your Valentine?

me myself and I.

Ask me kinky shit

Tuesday 14 February 2012

14th Feb

I look so tired :(
I spent this day watching girls at my school wishing each other a Happy Valentines Day, presenting each other with flowers and chocolates. It was actually really sad. AHHAHAH it would've been way better at a co-ed school, because apparently Thao got 2 anonymous love letters.... OOooOOOoOOOoOOOoOOoo. Anyways after school Mel, Amelia, Bec and I all walked to Vic Gardens. Ended up getting terribly sweaty because it was hot and I'm currently very unfit. We went to Coles to buy ice cream and chips and then bought even more food when we we were at Hoyts. We planned to watch The Vow but then later on changed our minds for an earlier time to watch This Means War. It was a very good movie, I recommend  you guys watch it because it's really funny and has a sweet British guy and a sexy American guy. To be honest, If I were Reese Witherspoon, I would've chosen the British guy. Afterwards Bec and I were given the pleasure of meeting one of Mel's acquaintances and then we left them two alone because I needed to go home and start this pile of homework which I'm meant to be completing right now.

oh my god

Monday 13 February 2012

A tad late

But RIP Whitney Houston. You were such an inspiration and a talent that will never be forgotten.

So Valentines Day is tomorrow...

I'm going to dedicate this post to all the happy couples out there. May your love be everlasting and hope you have a very lovely and romantic time spending it with your loved one. I hope my parents do something romantic tomorrow because if they don't, then I will literally drive them to a restaurant and dump them there myself. Also, tomorrow is a time to remember all the lonely single people. Instead of using tomorrow as an excuse to watch sappy romance movies and indulging in fatty icecream, why don't you get off your fat arse and go for a night our with the gurl friends.
That may have sounded really hypocritical because I'm spending tomorrow watching The Vow with some mgc sluts and eating ice cream.
To Thao's family. Her sister, Linh just gave birth yesterday to a girl named Alannah. I can already tell that it's going to grow up to be one hot biatch, of course the hot genes coming from me.

I saw you at grilld on bridge rd? and I thought you looked beautiful :) even in a work uniform.

Yeah that was probably me, but I don't work there anymore.. Ahahaha Nawwwwww fanks bbygurlll xoxoxo

Ask me kinky shit

How I spend my weekends

-Vietschool. Was really good. Because we have new members in our class. Welcome to the team Andy, and also the fobs. We're moving to Pete's class next week because I cannot handle it in this dead silent class.
-Work, drainer. It was probably the fastest that I've ever washed the bread wires because I wanted to get out early. But we ended up closing the store at 8:30 (30 minutes late Grrgrgajbdhkjafkjdfs).
-Wedding, absolutely amazing. It was so good and the food was typical asian wedding food. There was hardcore music but I had no one to dance with so I just remained in my seat and fist pumped every now and again. Even though we came late it was really good to see the prettiness of the reception and the bride and groom making out.
-Woke up damn early to go to tutor. Signed up for Chem and I realised that I'm probably really dumb for my age, considering that there's so many year 10's and 9's in my classes.
-Walked home because my parents didn't love me enough to pick me up. Randomly saw Andy on the tram, and quickly had a nice chat before we parted our ways.
-Then got home and the whole fam went to a temple fest in reservoir. Met up with the Turoczi's and Lisa, Phuong, Robert plus others. Walked around, ate, drank, drove bumper cars and watched performances. Thanks to the guy who gave us 2 free turns on the bumper cars <3. And also the martial arts performance was pree hawt. Left at around 9ish, and got home just in time for bed.

At the wedding!!

HAHAHHAHA bitchy face




Did not do any homework and was pretty fucked for school today.

Sunday 12 February 2012

I like you but i'm too much of a pussy to tell you lol

This question was flagged so I didn't even see it yesterday, HAHA! Omg who are you. I feel so flattered :3

Ask me kinky shit

hi jannifer

Bec ;)

Ask me kinky shit

if there was one man to ask you this valentines, who do you wish it to be? has to be someone you met ...

oooo scandaloous. soz but I have no male friends T________________T

Ask me kinky shit

Friday 10 February 2012

What is your favorite month of the year?

January because it's my birthday and it has nice weather and that's when all the festivals are happening and it's the first month of a new year.

Ask me kinky shit

whose the coolest person alive whose names starts with T and ends with O?


Ask me kinky shit

"You're like a real life Rapunzel, but black instead of blonde"

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA LOL, a friend said this to me today after school. She sho funnay

Answered the prayers of my many curious readers

Yes, I've made a formspring. I've prepared myself mentally for hate/jealousy/bitching/backstabbing and yes the list goes on and on.

About Jen Ly

"Jen Ly.15.Summer. Trying to live life to its fullest whilst maintaining good grades is harder than I thought."

Well actually I'm 16 now. LOL I don't even know my own age...................

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Kim Hyun Joong

Ask me kinky shit

Things to do tomorrow

8am-Wake up an get ready for Vietschool, enrol in Petes class. Apparently there's some new people coming and it's going to be a hella crazy class. Also I need to bring my Methods/Chem/English/Art/whatever homework because I really gotta finish it all off.
9am-12:20am-Catch up on goss, laugh at Pete, watch a movie maybe, etc. etc.
12:30pm-Get ready for work, have a shower and grab something to eat.
2pm-8pm-work work work, bring home as much bread as possible. Fucking stingy slut
8pm-9pm-Get ready for the wedding. Change, do my makeup and hair. Pack essentials in my clutch and go go go.
1ish-2-Go to bed and wake up at 9 the next morning for tutor T________T

I really do wonder who actually wastes their time reading my blog. Aahahha, half the shit on here is so random, so if you ever come across this blog please don't judge meh. If you ever see me in real life and you recognise me, then come say hi! Cause it'd be cool to see who my readers are. Especially to the person who is following me anonymously. I know who you are...................................................................................................Haha just kidding.
All this talk of my schools formal is seriously stressing me out. Some people even made a facebook group so they could post the photos of there dresses so there wouldn't be any awkward clashes. Like calm the fuck down. And half of  the conversations between sluts at my school are all about the formal.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Just updated my blog layout. Hehe looks so new and refreshing.

Please excuse the face, and hair, and everything.

Year 11 is actually really good

There is so much more freedom because we don't have tute/homeroom meetings in the mornings anymore. So we get to sleep in and come to school at 9.10 for period 1. Our lockers are way bigger and we have our own study centre with our very own kettle!! We have frees on Thursday last period and the year 11 teachers are so chill. And it's always exciting seeing your friends because sometimes you haven't even seen them for the whole day because you don't have classes with them.

NEW PORTABLE HARD DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1

I never thought it would be so amazing. My laptop has been really slow because I've used up nearly all of the space so I needed one of these. It feels so good to back everything up on the hard drive then delete it off my laptop.

Anyone have a paypal/mastercard?

I'm thinking of buying my formal dress online because there's a less chance of someone having the same dress as you if you get it from an online store. But I've never bought anything online before so I don't really know how the shit works.
My eye bags have become worse, because of staying up late to do homework and also not sleeping on a pillow (I can't sleep on pillows, yes I'm weird).
During this whole week, I have suffered immensely in my Chem classes. Partly because of not doing the holiday homework, but also partly because I hate it. SO I've decided to take extra chem tutoring as well as methods since Lanna recommended it.

Anyone going to temple fest this Sunday?

I swear, I think I've turned into a festival junky. I remember all the previous years I hardly went to any, whereas this year I went to all most all of the main ones. Oh well, I'm quite proud of myself for making the most of it


So I have a wedding this Saturday. And you DO NOT understand how long I've been waiting for this day. I haven't been to a wedding in years and I kinda miss all the wedding food, clothes, flowers etc. But the only problem is that work has rostered me on for this Saturday from 2 to fucking 8. When writing down my availabilities my parents didn't remind me that we had a wedding so I said that I was available :(((((((((. Anyways so now I have to swap shifts with someone, but none of these bakers bitchez have texted me back. If I can't swap my shift then I have to go to work, which means that I'll have to go to the wedding late and straight after work. Ew. I shall post photos of the dresses I have in mind for the wedding soon.
Thursdays last period is when I have a free period. Instead of using this time to catch up with the things I need to do (Methods and Chem homework), I resorted to doing many other unnecessary things:
-reading a book that we aren't even learning yet for English
-picking at the grass/weeds/mushrooms on the oval
-downloading a webcam software
-taking photos on my phone

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Monday 6 February 2012

Haven't seen this bitch in 3 weeks

If our parents weren't fighting, then we probably would've seen each other every week.

Year 11

Which means formal.
Which means bringing a date.
I probably will make a new guy friend or Mel said she'd go alone with me. LOL

Lonely 4 lyf


LOL this is so bloody random. So I came home from school and was procrastinating from my Chem homework, when we heard our doorbell. Then I walk to the hallway and Cassie's there and gives me a huge hug. I was like "what the fuck are you doing here..." Ahahhaha, thankgod I didn't look too bad with my glasses and bike shorts. She gave me a card and a makeup bag from Korea that her friend bought. Thanks so much homeboiii, lub yew long tymm.

A day in Springy.

So yesterday I woke up at 9am to get ready for tutor at TC. I enrolled for Methods but I'm deciding whether I should do Chem as well because I think I'm going to need it in the future. There is literally only 2 people in my class, including myself. So hopefully there's going to be more people (preferably a hot korean guy) this week. The lesson actually went so quick, and soon after I went home to grab more stuff and then got driven to Springvale. I've never been to Cindy's house before so it was really excitinggzzz. And I don't know what she's complaining about, because her house is fucking big compared to mine. We went to Supre factory outlet, not because we're sluts, but because apparently they had massive sales. And they did. I got so much shit for $2.50!! Hehe. Afterwards, we were going to stop by at Sandown festival but then ended up not going because we wanted to go eat. We went to a Japanese restaurant and then had frozen yoghurt (tasted so bad). Then we went and chilled at Cindy's house again, watching Young Talent Time (ADRIAN <3) and eating Shin cup.
Too many choices!

AHHAHA the man at the back

cute couple <3



Lovin the furniture

Romantic lighting that made us look yellow

Chilli chicken ramen

Julias meal

Looks good but............


Sunday 5 February 2012

This is going to be one VERY long week.


This was in the mail a couple of days ago."I miss her like sleep". This brings a tear to my eye. Even though I'm not a fan of cats, missing animal signs always make me feel empty on the inside. The other day I also saw a missing rabbit sign and there was a $150 reward for it. Instead of using the $150 to buy another rabbit, they'd rather offer it for a reward.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Starting TC tomorrow

I'm excited to fucking ace maths/methods this year. But not so excited about the people in my class. If I have the same people from when I was in TC a couple years ago, I will probably shoot myself. I just need at least one person that is funny/smart/good-looking/retarded and wild like myself. And I feel sorry for my teacher because they're going to have to teach a kid who hasn't touched maths in 2 months and hasn't even started her Methods homework yet.
Haha, when my parents aren't at home and there's nothing to eat in the house. Me and Julia go to our trusty old laptop and order something to eat. On most nights, we'd usually get pizza but tonight, we felt a bit more creative and healthy, so we decided to walk to Bridge Rd. and get some Grill'd burgers. Awkward cause I kinda got fired from there... so yeah, I told Julia to go in and buy it while I waited out across the street. While waiting for her, I went and checked my bank account, and yay I have $150 now which I'll probably end up spending tomorrow at Sandown fest. I actually have no regrets for spending all this money on festivals, because at least I get to see hot boys in low cut tank tops. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

I think I may have misplaced the sheet that has my netbank login details and bank account details. And I'm getting paid today so I was really looking forward to seeing a decent amount of cash in my bank account.

My ever so lonely N97

All the bitchez from my mgc group has iphones

I've had many goals during my time here on blogspot, but one that I am definitely going to fulfill no matter what this year, is getting my fucking belly pierced. I don't care if my mum finds out (I only care if my dad finds out, he'll chop my tits off).

Already looking forward to the end of term holidays!

Because apparently my parents are booking a trip for the whole family to go to Vietnam. And ohmygod I am so bloody excited. I plan to do allot of shopping, tanning, eating, relaxing and catching up with my relatives that I haven't seen in fucking 7 years.

Randy shopping list

-Black socks (mid length)
-Black and white converse
-All black vans(These are so common, everywhere I go I see vans. But oh well. I need a pair of decent walking shoes)
-Face masks and The Face Shop skincare
-Dollywink eyeliner
-Magazines :Vivi and Frankie
-A snazzy laptop case
-Iphone 4 ( lol, I wish)


When I woke up today with swollen and puffy eyes, I knew it'd be a bad day. Last night I could not fucking sleep, partly because of my bad sleeping pattern but also because of this fucking stupid car alarm that went off somewhere on my street and it WOULD NOT STOP. So I didn't sleep until late, which isn't good because Jen needs her beauty sleep. And then at around early in the morning the damn car alarm went off again, which woke me up and put me in the shittest mood. The whole routine of putting on my uniform and wearing my man shoes was just too overwhelming. I was not prepared mentally and physically. My school bag killed my shoulders and I didn't have a lock for my locker so I had to carry everything around with me during the whole day. And seeing little tb slutz running around everywhere made me even more annoyed. Since I'm now in year 11, we get to have a free period every last period on Thursdays so I used my time to try and access blogspot from school. But I couldn't read some of peoples' blogs because apparently it was blocked due to "malicious" content on the blogs.. Ahahaha

The shit I'd get up to if I had an iphone.