About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Thursday 30 August 2012


Steak and chips from Julies

Carbonara tortellini

Supreme pizza

Oh god

Parents: "You shouldn't watch Big Brother, it's a television show for ADULTS"

That's it, I'm marrying a white boy.

Facebook makes me happy because I get to stalk people. But then I end up feeling shit afterwards because there is actually some amazing/hot/beautiful people. Why were you blessed with such gorgeous genes?!!

Why are there so many birthdays in September

And to think I couldn't get anymore broke. On the plus side, September marks the first month of Spring which means warmer weather and green trees!!!

I finally did it.

Yesterday Julia told mum that she was going to get her fringe trimmed and my mum asked if I was going to cut my hair as well, since I had wanted to cut it on the weekend. Little did she know that I was going to cut it really short... Ahaha so heres what it looks like :)
Omg okay just kidding.
Please excuse my groovy flannel shirt.

"You could make a pillow out of all that hair" Looooooll

Name your price for this top quality rat tail
And the first thing that dad says to me when he sees my hair "You look ugly."

Tuesday 28 August 2012

"You look so beautiful today, like duh sunraise ^_^"

  • I had a nap today after school from 4:30 to 6:30. I think I'm going to take naps more often.
  • This weather is so good that I think I'm just procrastinating everything because it makes me feel so happy and carefree.
  • English has been the biggest bludge recently and of course I have my Macbeth SAC tomorrow and I don't know anything.
  • Methods is a babe right now, Ily limits.
  • Funny because normally I prefer English over Maths.
  • Casual Clothes day tomorrow and I can't believe I use to stress so much on what to wear. It's a day where girls grease each other off and judge you by what you wear.. ughh.
  • I hate it when people have their facebook dps on private.

Update on life

Photo: Yummmm omg
-Had a celebration for dads birfday.
-Bought him this fruit tart cake thing and it didn't taste that great.
-I'll be getting him a present this week for his birthday and Fathers day since they're close together.
-Went to an arab park with Tash and Nat and then drove tot heir cousins house to host our own rave sesh.
-Had tutor
-Netball, lol we were against a team called Jamaica and lost 4 to 37. I think we're gradually improving... hopefully.

Macbeth, you will be the death of me.

Sunday 26 August 2012

mount franklin or cool ridge? 0.5 lead or 0.7? square or circle? pencil or pen? hair tie or scrunchie? oh beeteedubs, isn't mel like, da coolest asian out? i mean, she's so short! it's like, dayummmmm gurl!

Evian. 2B lead. Triangle. Pacer. Bobby pin. And whos mel, I don't recall seeing her around since she's so short.

I told my dad today that I was getting my hair cut at Hair house warehouse and he says that he's run out of money and told me to wait a couple of weeks. I don't know if he's joking or being serious..........

Best friend/ best friends at your school?

Melissa and Julie but theres also all the other azns such as Rebecca Valerie Karen Lanna Eddie etc. Lovee demmm

Saturday 25 August 2012

Why do you feel sorry for anyone that dates you in the future?

Because they're going to have to put up with my lame jokes and shrek toes

Friday 24 August 2012

Will die happy if I have this

baby i'd come to your barbeque any day ;)

yeyeee cum to mi bbq and we can have sum snags n a good ol' vb

Thursday 23 August 2012

will you lick my toes?

Thao this is you isn't it? AHHAHAHAH

Can I date you?

sure thang bbgurl ^_^
This may be really hypocritical because I actually got annoyed at people who posted these links but I decided to make one to try it out and it's actually really easy and quick to use. So ask awayyyyyyyyy

Wednesday 22 August 2012

LOL babe, you just took it too far.

Fantastic weather!

Today felt so good. Like I am so pumped for Summerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Just need a belly piercing and to exercise a bit more and also for my boobs to grow so I can look decent in a bikini.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Why is my skin so gross right now

Fucking hate breakouts. I need to pamper myself with face masks because I have a whole stack which I haven't even used yet. And I need to calm down with my stress levels and enjoy my teenage years. Drink allot of water and stay away from spicy and oily foods, which will be hard because these foods are my absolute fave.


I would have such an easy life if my parents were white.
Why are boys so confusing. I'm going to shave all my hair off and dedicate my life to being a nun at a buddhist temple lol.

Had a good laugh

If you can't get a girl, get a dog.
If you can't get a dog, get a girl from Macrob.


So my uncle from America called on Sunday night and it was then, that I realized I was going to get no homework done. We had a conversation for almost 2 hours and I had to admit it involved crying and yeah. It basically wasn't good because he asked me to list the reasons why I didn't want to go to America. The background story on this is that my grandparents (on my dads side) made an application for American citizenship or something along those lines, and they are now finalizing the paperwork and we were supposed to go to an interview in Sydney today for it.

Amazing weekend


  • I had to wake up at 5am. I don't think I've ever woken up that early so I was clearly feeling tired on the bus trip to the snow. Several families all squashed into the bus that we hired and we soon drove to Mt. Bulla which took around 3 hours. The kids were rowdy from the excitement, so I think the adults were happy to get off the bus when we arrived. It was awkward at first because I had no idea what I was doing. But it was extremely fun when we all had snow ball fights together and went tobogganing. I expected it to be way colder, but I actually started heating up under all the layers of clothes, hence me looking like a marshmallow in the photos. On our way back, we ordered chicken and chips and kbed back at one of my family friends house and watched Karate Kid. 

Bitches attacking me

This photo does not do justice for the amazing view

  • Woke early once again to meet Lisa and Cindy at Flinders. We went to Maccas for some breakfast and the McMuffin tasted ridiculously amazing probably because I haven't had Maccas in ages. We then headed to Melbourne Uni and spent most of our time hunting for freebies and uni boys. I spent like 5 minutes grabbing the info booklets for the courses that I was interested in and then spent the rest of my time walking around aimlessly because I suck at reading maps. Highlight of the day was probably running into Val and Mel, and when some Melbourne High guy said Cindy was hot and asked for her number (AHHAHAHAHAH I will find out who you are). We left the uni quite early to go eat and shop around at Melbourne Central, and to chill at State!

Friday 17 August 2012

Not sure if this is blogspot appropriate

I'm so happy right now. Everything is good, great, amazing, fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd die happy with you on my wrist.


one day…

  • To my chem teacher, I hate you. If I get you next year for chem I will do anything in my power to move classes.
  • I realised I'm not entirely prepared for the snow tomorrow. Have I even mentioned that I'm going to the snow? Lol well yeah, this is my very first time going. And I don't even have any snow pants so I think I'm going to wear trackies which I'm scared that they might get wet. I also have to wake up at like 5 am which I am absolutely dreading.
  • On the bright side, I'm going to be seeing my lamb on Sunday (I haven't seen her in exactly 57 days 12 hours and 26 minutes, hehe just kidding I made that up). We went to the Melbourne Uni open day last year which was really fun, so we're going again this year with a couple of other girlies!
  • I'm really excited for netball on Monday because we had 2 training sessions this week so hopefully I'll be fitter and won't die by 3rd quarter like last week.
  • I'm legit going to cut my hair. I've decided that I'm going to cut around 10 cm off because I know I'll regret cutting it really short. I want all my layers to be the same length so that it makes my hair look thicker since I've been losing allot of it.
  • Still hunting for a job.
  • And I swear why is Melbourne so small? It's so weird how everyone knows everyone.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

I had my Psych sac last week and I managed to get 19/20 which is an A+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I'm really happy because I didn't do so well on the exam so I'm planning to make it up with my sacs. And I also had my methods sac today on chapters 15 and 16. I got lazy over the long weekend so I hadn't really studied, but I really want to do well in methods this semester so I'm praying that I get around a C or B.

To cut my hair or not

I can't make up my mind, why is life so difficult.

This makes me so happy

Saturday 11 August 2012

School, why do you exist

Thank the lord that I have no school on Monday because I need to cram my puny sized brain with shit for my Methods sac, Chem sac, Psych sac and English essay this coming week.
Photo: The loves of my life
Apparently we look alike..?

Don't even remember what I did.

Had netball training for like half an hour because everyone had to leave. We are such a hardworking team... Then afterwards I went to American Apparel on Chapel St. to buy Julie her disco shorts because she had mentioned that she wanted them. I cried a little when I was touching the shorts because I want them so fucking bad omg awoieuoiasjdlansdsndj!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stayed back to make Julie her scrapbook when Mel and I were meant to finish at 1. I think I'm going to print off photos more often because they're only 10c for one photo! We finished making the scrapbook right on time and then I rushed home to get ready. My parents drove me to to pick up Bec and then we headed to Crown for dinner at the restaurant Emporio. I ordered a massive rump steak and it tasted really good but the food just took ages to come out to our table. Probably because there was about 20+ orders from our table. We then got Julie to cut her cake and then walked to the hotel room which she had booked out. There was drinks in the bathtub and Julie had made jello shots for everyone. Music was put on and everyone danced and had a good timee.

Vietschool, drainer, I'm craving Salsas.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The asian community is so tight

Turns out the cute guys' friend that has been at the St Albans gatherings is my friends ex........................... And you don't even need to ask me how I found that out (facebook stalking).

What I've been up to

-Exercising like a bitch! I had netball on Monday and even though we lost, it felt so amazing to play again. And also after school today I went for some runs around the block and did some exercises such as pushups, situps, lunges etc. I need to keep this up for a couple of months to keep my fitness up and to have a fresh toned body for summerrrrrrrrr.

-Speaking of summer I actually miss it so much. One of my cousins in america posted this video up of her and some other cousins playing around at my auntys' house which has this massive pool and they looked like they were having the best time. And of course I miss America as well as my relatives and the shopping. Melbourne sux.

-And I'm getting my study on because dad moved the tv out of my room so now I have more room for all my books and shiet. Yeah and I got my Psych score, which I haven't told anyone apart from the lesbos and it's funny because we all managed to get the same score! I wouldn't be surprised if all our periods were also synchronized Lol.

-To Melissa Hua, you have actually gotten me hooked onto the tacos at Salsas.

-I fucking love Tuesdays last period because I have this English teacher who legit does nothing. So Julie, Karen and I have set it as a movie period. Today we watched Insidious and it was so funny to see them shit themselves. 

-I don't think I've ever needed a job so badly. I need to buy birthday presents for all these birthdays coming up because everyones birthdays seems to be in September and August. Not to mention all the things that I want as well.. 

-Looking for some new friends, anyone? Lol I'm so sick of everyone I need a break from you all and just focus on "lamb".
Cutest card eva

Studyin on a saturday

Did about 100 precipitation equations fml

The love of my life

The second love of my life

Saturday 4 August 2012

Should I make a debit master card?

-Yes, because then I'll be able to buy all these amazing and cheap things online without having to remove my ass from this chair.
-No, because I currently have no income anyways, so there'd be no money in the account.


I hate it when your plans get cancelled. Now my plans for tonight are to go to Salsa's for some tacos, watch more of Jersey Shore and go to another St Albans gathering. And maybe squeeze in some time for homework.

Friday 3 August 2012

Chad you are beautiful

"Waiting for you is like waiting for rain int his drought, useless and dissapointing"~~~~ B3st quote eva


Hi Girls,

I've received an email from the Principal, Ms Crowe enquiring about whether anyone in our English class knows anything about graffiti which was found in Room 105 on Monday, 30/7.  It appears the graffiti was not there in Period 1 but was there by Period 3.  It therefore appears that the graffiti was applied to one of the walls at some time during recess or Period 2 which is when our class was in there.  Any information you have about this will be confidential.  Please get back to me if you know anything about this.

Many thanks,
Ms Payne

AHHAHAHAHHA okay, so the funny thing is that I was with my friend Karen at this English class. Karen was sharpening her pencils with my sharpener which she had borrowed and because all the pencil sharpenings were on the table, she swept it onto the floor with her fingers. Then obviously she got the grey lead shit on her fingers and so she tried to remove it with her spit and rubbing it on her clothes etc. But it didn't come off, so she swiped her fingers on the wall behind us which left a giant grey mark, then she decided to be funny and write some words on the wall which the teachers have now found LOL. 

Thursday 2 August 2012

Movie-The Pregnancy Project

I promise I'm not pregnant or anything, but it's because I saw some girl on tumblr recommend it and when I watched it I cried. Lol, which probably isn't a very good incentive to watch it since I cry in almost every movie but yeah, it's extremely interesting and thought provoking.


Missing americaaaaaa

I need my dose of Jersey Shore. It's been to long bby. I'm determined to finish season 5 by the end of this weekend. And then I'll save up money so I can hire out Pauly D and Snooki. And then I'm going to start Geordie Shore because apparently it's even better than Jersey Shore, which is quite hard to believe.

Made my night

LOL gurl you make me laugh. Omg if only I could post it on blogspot but I can't because it's too scandalous.  Hehe

Exciting news!

On Saturday the 18th I'll be going to the snow for the very first time in my life. I can't wait to go snow clothes shopping. I want some gumboots and nice thick jackets. And I also can't wait to have snow ball fights and build snow men and freeze my tits off.

Heels collection so far..

To do

-Buy nike runners for netball.
-Buy netball skirt.
-Buy contacts because I obviously can't play with glasses nor can I play without any visual aid because I might throw the ball into someones face.
-$48 for membership.
- Write up this stupid english essay which I haven't even started.
-Complete 1230781237081738123 chemistry reaction equations.
-Get my body ready for Jay Park. The tickets arrived in the mail today!
-Find someone to go to Monash open day with.
-Buy Julies' birthday present and organize an outfit for her dinner.
-Prepare myself mentally for Psych results on Monday.

And also, Australia you've only gotten one gold medal in the Olympics so now I'm rooting for Korea xoxox