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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 3 August 2012


Hi Girls,

I've received an email from the Principal, Ms Crowe enquiring about whether anyone in our English class knows anything about graffiti which was found in Room 105 on Monday, 30/7.  It appears the graffiti was not there in Period 1 but was there by Period 3.  It therefore appears that the graffiti was applied to one of the walls at some time during recess or Period 2 which is when our class was in there.  Any information you have about this will be confidential.  Please get back to me if you know anything about this.

Many thanks,
Ms Payne

AHHAHAHAHHA okay, so the funny thing is that I was with my friend Karen at this English class. Karen was sharpening her pencils with my sharpener which she had borrowed and because all the pencil sharpenings were on the table, she swept it onto the floor with her fingers. Then obviously she got the grey lead shit on her fingers and so she tried to remove it with her spit and rubbing it on her clothes etc. But it didn't come off, so she swiped her fingers on the wall behind us which left a giant grey mark, then she decided to be funny and write some words on the wall which the teachers have now found LOL. 

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