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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 17 August 2012

  • To my chem teacher, I hate you. If I get you next year for chem I will do anything in my power to move classes.
  • I realised I'm not entirely prepared for the snow tomorrow. Have I even mentioned that I'm going to the snow? Lol well yeah, this is my very first time going. And I don't even have any snow pants so I think I'm going to wear trackies which I'm scared that they might get wet. I also have to wake up at like 5 am which I am absolutely dreading.
  • On the bright side, I'm going to be seeing my lamb on Sunday (I haven't seen her in exactly 57 days 12 hours and 26 minutes, hehe just kidding I made that up). We went to the Melbourne Uni open day last year which was really fun, so we're going again this year with a couple of other girlies!
  • I'm really excited for netball on Monday because we had 2 training sessions this week so hopefully I'll be fitter and won't die by 3rd quarter like last week.
  • I'm legit going to cut my hair. I've decided that I'm going to cut around 10 cm off because I know I'll regret cutting it really short. I want all my layers to be the same length so that it makes my hair look thicker since I've been losing allot of it.
  • Still hunting for a job.
  • And I swear why is Melbourne so small? It's so weird how everyone knows everyone.

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