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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 21 December 2012

When you look at certain people who you were so close to and realise that you've drifted apart. Dat shyt sux
Miss Australia should've been in the top 3. Like seriously miss Venezuela you had no idea what you were talking about in the question section. These beauty pageants really fire me up omg.


Thursday 20 December 2012

Preparing myself mentally before watching the Miss Universe 2012 show.

So relevant

Girl what are your fetishes?

Umm I have really weird fetishes so please don't judge. My biggest one would be a korean fetish. Then there's a toe fetish, nice scented things fetish (idk is that even a fetish? lol), and a stubble fetish.
I seriously don't think the world is ending but it'd really suck if it did. I'm too young to die, I still have many things I need to accomplish, many hopes and dreams. And I actually pictured this day to be more "korean drama" like? Lol, and hearing my friend say that he's going to call up a girl that he likes and confess to her is pretty cute.
Had this idea of starting Gossip Girl seeing as it has now finished but thanks to all the hype of it finishing I now know who Gossip Girl is. Lol don't even know if its worth watching anymore or if I should just wait for season 4 of Community.

Totally feeling like the Grinch atm

I don't know if this is just my family but Christmas seems to have gotten shit in the past couple of years. We haven't even put up the Christmas tree and we all don't get gifts for each other. It seriously does not feel like Christmas in my house.

I thought I hadn't shopped that much these holidays..

Things I've accumulated over these holidays

Today I went to Northland to buy some essentials for our roadtrip/camping trip to Adelaide on Monday. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but yes I'll be leaving on Christmas Eve and coming back after a week. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to be doing in Adelaide but dad said he'd make sure that he'd find someone to take me around for Boxing Day shopping. Because there is no way in hell I'd be missing Boxing Day. It's seriously the most important day of the year in my book. So the purpose in going was to buy a tent but we bought everything else except a tent. I can't remember the last time I went to Northland but it has actually improved considerably. The sales are so much better than in the city and they have all of the main stores now! Bought myself two pairs of wedges, lol lyk srsly who needs a man when you can have shoes?!




Trying to be healthy by telling the waiter to leave out the whipped cream.

Had an early gathering for Thaos birthday seeing as I can't make it to her actual party. Cindy Lisa Julia and I met up earlier to find her a present. She wanted a nice black handbag so we ended up buying one from Sportsgirl. I think I cried several times going through the shops because there were so many good things on sale but I only had money for food. So then we met up with lamb and we headed to crazy wings and seriously demolished it. My cravings for it has been settled (for now) and then we went to passionflower for dessert. Love their pancakes omg. Afterwards we went to that little fake grass area at mc and then bumped into jennyyyyy. It was a great day spent with people who I hadn't seen in years.

Monday 17 December 2012

Wth this is like my worst nightmare

Just glancing at this makes me cringe and want to vomit. Omg I hate mosquitoes so much and bless the poor soul who had this happen to them.

Movies I've watched/rewatched in the past week

Pitch perfect
Rise of the guardians
500 days of summer
The notebook
Despicable me
The parent trap

Please give me more recommendations for movies!!!111!!!!1!!!!!~~~~@@5$#yhiuwwiuew


(PRE ORDER) Lily White Leather

Emerge Black

Things that came to my attention yesterday

-I need a job more then ever because after a trip at Topshop I realised that all their items need to be a part of my life. And that Peter Alexander candle omg, I don't think I've ever obsessed so much over a fucking candle.
-I should do some exercise these holidays especially some squats because when you compare my time of sitting down on this chair to actually walking around it's not that great for my bum. Especially considering that it's bikini season.
-When applying for jobs look for places that not many people would apply for. There was a sign in front of Bariano saying they needed Christmas casuals. I will actually shit myself if I get the job.

Lol actually fuq holiday homework

I need some retail therapy right now pronto asap.

Oh and study scores came out

Lol when waking up this morning I actually had a little freak since my login wasn't working, but then I realized that my student number was wrong. I didn't know what I was expecting but I knew that I could've done better. I was definitely surprised to find that I'd gotten A+ for my sacs and also my last exam. Comparing that exam result to my last exam, I'd improved considerably which shows that I actually can do it. I'm severely regretting being slack in first semester but that just means that I need to give it my all next year. I don't want to reveal my study score over the internet because I'm actually feeling a little self conscious after hearing all these other smart asses getting above 40 for their 3/4's. Hehehhe just kidding, but seriously congratulations to you all and keep up the good work!

And now I'm feeling the sudden urge to do some of that holiday homework which I haven't touched at all these holidays.

Just bought presale tickets to goodlife.

Reasons why I'm excited:
-Psy the sex of a korean, even though I'm quite sick of his song but oh well
-Dj Havana Brown
-Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike
-Rita fucking Ora omgoomgomasdkasjhdkjs
-And because this is like my very first proper music festival!

Reasons why I'm not entirely thrilled
-There will be a large number of 12 year old sluts since it is an underage event (oh the joy)
-There will be a large number of 12 year old horny little boys that will just take up space and piss me off.

Saturday 15 December 2012

If you follow the paintbrush with your eyes while not moving your head, it forces you to use emdr which is a therapeutic technique to calm anxiety/panic. 

Friday 14 December 2012

So many books so little time

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
The Catcher In The Rye
The Great Gatsby
Treasure Yourself (written by Miranda Kerr, I just bought this today. I've only read like 2 pages and I'm already in love)
14000 Things To Be Happy About
The Fault In Our Stars
Looking For Alaska

Thursday 13 December 2012

Yes this was a shit version of Formspring which quickly died down but hey I'm bored so ask me shit and I'll give you a lolly.


When sluts call other people sluts... Ha Ha Ha


-Angelas place

-Valeries place

-Becs place

As you can tell I love going to people houses cause everyones house has a different atmosphere and vibe and is 99% more likely better to chill at then my dump place lol. At Angelas we just talked and ate a whole lot of junk and listened to music and danced lyk no1 waz watching and once again made plans that didn't work out but it was alright cause they will eventually happen. Hopefully.

At Vals we watched Burlesque and Christina is so damn amazing omg. Then we decided to go to the city even though we weren't meeting up with anyone or had any money. It was great catching up though and making an attempt of doing covers Ahahahhahahah, dem youtubers make it look too easy.

Finally the christmas lunch at Beccas place was by far the cutest gathering so far! Even though I rocked up an hour late it was so cute eating everyones prepared meals and opening the KK presents. Thanks Eddie for the gift, I'll treasure the butchers wrapping paper 5eva. And watching everyone play the JustDance game made me want to own a copy of the game. It's actually a good form of exercise as well as having fun. And then of course we had fun photowhoring on Becs Apple computer and watching a snippet of Pitch Perfect because I had to leave early to pick up the Ly fams new rideeeeeeeee.

Love each and every single one of you <3 <3 <3

Friday 7 December 2012

Give me

While out shopping for my KK present with the lovely Val Ida I realised that I wanted many things. And all these things revolved around nice smells like this gorgeous candle from Peter Alexander which was 40 dollars but smelled absolutely insane, Colettes pink perfume and also everything in Lush Ahahhahaah.

I dun need a man, all I need is this candle

Fuck omg

It's going to be a slammin' 37 degrees tomorrow. SOUTH MELBOURNE BEACH HERE I COME. Omg beach, sand, water, salt in my hair, bikinis, tans, tanning oil, relaxing, ice cream, fish n chips, sunglasses. Clearly a bit excited!!!!AFAHFWHAWFHAWFAHFWFAWHAHWHAW
Today while eavesdropping a phone call that my dad was having with his mum who resides in America, I found out that my two younger girl cousins one in year 8 and one in year 7 both have boyfriends........ I'm actually so happy for them but then I actually kinda think "shit" lol. I guess I've just set my standards extremely high, I blame the korean dramas... and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

So I basically last blogged about a week ago. During this week I seriously have no clue of what I've been doing. I always seem to lose track of the time and also the day on the holidays. I cant believe its only 2 weeks until Christmas! But yeah basically I only remember doing interesting things on Saturday and Tuesday. Below are some highlights!

-Went to an early Christmas bbq. Once finished eating I joined the Turoczis on several road trips. First to pick up Angela from another party and also to drop off their aunty to work. Had several rave sessions in the car which pretty much summed up our crazy saturday night lol.

hot wheelz~~
Looks like I have a stain round ma mouth

-Was Timmy and Evelyns' 17th. I was actually pretty excited for this party seeing as I was going with Val Bec and Angeladadurtydancer. They came to mine and then dad drove us all to Tims house which was in fkn Mt Waverly. Why do people live so far away omg. Any who when we arrived, there was already a fair amount of people but to my disappointment the music wasn't that great. You couldn't dance to the songs and they were just basically shit songs. Also some wannabe hk guys there pissed me off and maybe I was just being moody cause I had my period lol. But Becca and Brian were 2cute and also it was good sitting on a trampoline again after so long! Highlight of the night was definitely Angelas' Jersey turn-piking omg my luv 4 u gurl.

And I should probably practice my posing and facial expressions in photos (as weird as that may sound) because in the profesh photography from the parties I always end up pulling some demented looking face.

My faves


Third wheel lyf

Also hating the people who got tickets to Swedish House Mafia
Words cannot describe my lust for travelling out of Melbourne right now. To all you people who are going to Queensland or Byron Bay or America or Korea or even fkn Adelaide, I hate you all.