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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Thursday 13 December 2012


-Angelas place

-Valeries place

-Becs place

As you can tell I love going to people houses cause everyones house has a different atmosphere and vibe and is 99% more likely better to chill at then my dump place lol. At Angelas we just talked and ate a whole lot of junk and listened to music and danced lyk no1 waz watching and once again made plans that didn't work out but it was alright cause they will eventually happen. Hopefully.

At Vals we watched Burlesque and Christina is so damn amazing omg. Then we decided to go to the city even though we weren't meeting up with anyone or had any money. It was great catching up though and making an attempt of doing covers Ahahahhahahah, dem youtubers make it look too easy.

Finally the christmas lunch at Beccas place was by far the cutest gathering so far! Even though I rocked up an hour late it was so cute eating everyones prepared meals and opening the KK presents. Thanks Eddie for the gift, I'll treasure the butchers wrapping paper 5eva. And watching everyone play the JustDance game made me want to own a copy of the game. It's actually a good form of exercise as well as having fun. And then of course we had fun photowhoring on Becs Apple computer and watching a snippet of Pitch Perfect because I had to leave early to pick up the Ly fams new rideeeeeeeee.

Love each and every single one of you <3 <3 <3

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