About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 30 December 2011

Blog posts I've made in December 100+ (and still going)
Blog posts I've made in previous months 20-40.
So my niece who may I add, lives in a very catholic household, added me on Facebook a while ago when I was staying at his house because my parents went to Vietnam. Anyways, I finally built up the guts to accept his request. Things that were making me waver from accepting his request:
-I swear allot/sometimes on facebook and I don't want to be a bad influence for my niece
-I have photos of embarrassing stuff that I do for the lolz
-I swear allot/sometimes on facebook and I don't want to be a bad influence for my niece
-I swear allot/sometimes on facebook and I don't want to be a bad influence for my niece
-Sometimes people or myself say kinky shit

GOT MY FIRST PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though it's only 90 dollars, I still can't help but be excited as fuck. I did some calculations and I worked out that I get paid $10.19 an hour (hopefully that isn't wrong, because I'm so relieved/ecstatic/rich with that pay). I should be getting paid again pretty soonish heheehehe.

Thursday 29 December 2011

This bitch wants me SO bad.

Songs that put me in a happy chap mood

  • Last Friday Night-Katy Perry
  • Good Feeling-Flo Rida
  • Party Rock Anthem-LMFAO 
  • Moves Like Jagger-Maroon 5
  • Dedication to My Ex-Lloyd

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Love freshly painted nails

Sexing up the wallet

Recently I've made several new cards and memberships to fill up my wallet, seeing as my last one got stolen which resulted in me losing all my cards and photoplus photos :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
-New Tony Bianco membership
-Student Edge membership (gives you discounts off maccas and other shit)
-Debit card!!!
-Priceline membership club card


I'm so sick of hearing "swag this", "swag that". Honestly, in my opinion I think swag is so overrated and so mainstream now. It pisses the fuck out of me. Especially when good looking guys are conforming to the latest "trend" of swag. Biggest turnoff. Oh well, I guess it's their decision whether to dress or talk in the form of swag. Just know that there's probably no individuality within it and that you aren't going to gain any of my attention.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

I thought I had settled my cravings..

The lovely crazy wings


In "that" moment, you think that your action was the right choice. The right decision at the right time. But after it's all done, you look back and wonder. Why hadn't I done this instead of that. Why hadn't I said something different, worn something else. I seriously hate the feeling of regret. But you know what? Regrets and mistakes they're memories made. Regretting something isn't going to change what has happened. Instead of regretting something, maybe learn from it and use it next time to improve on yourself/others. Because instead of focusing on something that could've happened, focus on something that's GOING to happen. And make it happen.



That sad and empty feeling you get once you've finished a drama

Yes, I now feel like I have nothing to do with my life.

Monday 26 December 2011

If I had to choose one super power

I'd either choose mind reading or time travel.

Holidays to do list-Updated again

  • Buy peoples birthday presents/plan outfits for the parties (Selin, Aslihan, Thao, Myself)
  • BSC shopping date at Higpoint (need to buy my dress for the wedding. LOL WEDDING DRESS~)
  • BSC rehersals at Sunshine studio
  • Get the Bakers delight job  (Fuck Bakers Delight, I'm now a Grill'd gurl!!)
  • Sell and  buy all my books for next year
  • Get my FREE school laptop from the Government
  • JumpOff?
  • Christmas, apparently my parents are getting me an Ipad2 (they're probably just telling me that to make me feel better)
  • $$$ BOXING DAY SALESSSSSSS $$$ Need to start saving up 
  • New years!! 2012
  • Study and do VCE homework
  • Eat frozen yoghurt/smoothies and crazy wings (MASSIVE CRAVING FOR ALL OF THESE)
  • Catch up on dramas since I haven't been watching any lately
  • Organise my birthday plans and wishlist
  • Go to the movies more often
  • Vietnamese New Year, which means Rich Fest and LIXI
  • Shop like crazy (dresses, skirts, bikinis, clutches, wedges/heels, sequinned/glittery shit, colourful shit)
  • Sort out my bank details
  • Try to see as many people as possible
  • Lilys welcome home outing
  • Eat like crazy- try to gain weight
  • Catch up with Mel
  • Book an appointment with the optometrist and buy new glasses
  • Grill'd (very first shift) this Wednesday
  • Get a new piercing/s
  • Finish off dramas-Im a flower too and Baker King
  • Eat healthier food to cleanse the body
  • Go somewhere with the fam bam (zoo, museum,aquarium)
  • Do something new to my hair


Pedo bear
Thao's period blood...
Didn't buy much..
Set my alarm at 6, but I obviously could not get up that early because of my holidays sleeping pattern. Fell back to sleep and woke at at 8:30. Got ready and left the house at 9:15. Met up with Cindy, Thao and Lisa at Flinders and set off for Spencer St. DFO. On the tram, we exchanged Christmas cards and talked about our inner most fellingz. When we got there, we sat down and Thao opened her present that Cindy and I bought for her. Couple hours later, I found myself buying a dotti magenta skirt, maroon rubi wedges, nude rubi wedges, forever new glitter pumps (a tad small, I need to stretch it out), forever new woven handbag, Typo buffalo A4 diary and 5 typo pens. Then we went back to MC to eat Lord of the Fries, and met up with Phuong and sexy Steven. Did some more shopping and I bought Garnier BB cream, Face shop nail polish, Cotton On blazer, Ice maroon denim shorts and a Temt gold dress. After MC, we went to Crazy wings and stopped by at the korean  drama store to spy on cute guys and korean celebz. I finally satisfied my cravings for crazy wings. They tasted so fucking good. After eating, we went to QV to do some more eating, from the Tutti Frutti frozen yoghurt place. I swear it's so overpriced, but it's so worth it. We headed off to  MC again(by then, it was so bloody crowded) to do more shopping and to meet up with the other whorebags that didn't bother to come and meet up with us. All together we spent 9 hours in the city shopping...
So basically I satisfied my food cravings and shopping cravings. Unexpectedly ran into some people, and met up with people that I hadn't seen in ages. Good asss day. Planning to do more shopping tomorrow with todays leftover money.

Been home alone this entire Christmas.

Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing Day I've been alone (well I was actually home with Julia, but she doesn't really count..). Normally people would spend this time with their families, having nice warm Christmas dinners and doing lovey dovey stuff together as a family. But no. My parents have been out at family parties these past 3 days. Not good enough.

Sunday 25 December 2011

This post is dedicated to the birthday gurl

No more pride

Already said everything I needed to say on facebook. Happy Birthday Gurlfwenn. Hope our friendship lasts 4Eva n evarrrrrrr.



Saturday 24 December 2011

Right now

I'm meant to be eating delicious expensive wedding food. Sitting on a table with a few hotties and eye sexing cute waiters. Handing out my pimped up Christmas cards and watching peoples amazed reactions with how heart felt my cards were. Photo whoring like a bitch in my sexy Forever New wedding dress that Lisa wouldn't have bought. Dancing to my hearts content and grinding up gaiz n gurlz on da dancefloor.
Felt like I was going to vomit when I tried on my glasses. Haven't worn it in so long so it makes me feel dizzy.

Christmas Eve

Woke up. Watched baker king (getting SO intense). Trammed to the optometrist to pick up my new glasses, because it was too fucking hot to walk. At the tram stop there was this old Chinese couple that randomly gave me and Julia a rock melon to help them carry their groceries onto the tram. LOL. Then trammed to Vic Gardens to finish off some last minute Christmas shopping. Ended up buying Dad a fishing tackle box, some anti-snoring nose strips and a whole bunch of different flavoured candy canes. Unexpectedly ran into some people, and me being the smart person that I am, left the house without bothering to put on makeup. Biggest regret of today. Trammed home feeling like an ugly shit. Then realised that I had left home without bringing keys, so we were locked out. Called up mum and then went to Maccas to buy something to eat with the mere 5 dollars I had left. Felt greasy after eating an apple pie and medium fries. Then walked back home when mum called saying she was there. Pimped up my Christmas cards by adding the candy canes and a whole lot of random stickers from my sticker collection in primary school. Wrapped up Dad's present, and refolded all my clothes to make some room for future new clothes :3
Heres a selfie for your entertainment.

And at yesterdays party, I met Guy Sebastians cousin. Like wtf random much? They actually looked really alike, so I don't think he was bullshitting. Should've gotten a photo :(((((((((((

Yesterday's hektik Christmas party

Sisterly luvv



LOL, tit tan



Hk piercingz

Self timer shotss!!!!1!!1!

Friday 23 December 2011

Unexpected talks with unexpected people actually turn out to be better than I thought.

Thursday 22 December 2011

My hair

Has officially grown and reached my vag. I don't know whether to be happy or to consider cutting it.

I think Sportsgirl is quite possibly...maybe..having a sale..??

Was meant to finish off my Christmas shopping for loved ones today, but instead  I bought something to satisfy myself.

People that turn out really hot

So today I saw some boys that use to go to my primary school, but they're a year younger than me. And omg they have gotten hot. I was trying not to look suss while attempting to take a closer glimpse of their sexy as faces, and I seriously dislike younger guys but for you boys, I'll make an exception ;)

Jam packed day.

Met up with some whorez at the good ol' Macca D's. Someone was 50 minutes late.. But while waiting, we shared and caught up on the goss, who was dating who, school and exams. Then we caught a tram to TGI Fridays on Chapel St, because everyone was hungry as fuck. The service was shit. We had to wait to be seated, we had to wait to take our order, we had to wait (no joke, like half an hour) for our order to come out, and then wait for our bill to come out. So we spent like 2 hours at the restaurant which left us with little time to shop. Went into Topshop again (and it was just as amazing as I had remembered). Then we trammed back to Maccas, and I left shortly after because of work. This shift was probably one of the hardest so far, since it was 5-9pm so there were HEAPS of customers. I was trying to make burgers as fast as possible to try and keep up with all the orders. My feet fucking kill. But I love it because of the  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Touched authentic Korean money

Life complete.

Textin her boyf.

LOL, sooo embarassing...

Forgot to rotate. Rockin da Grill'd uniformz

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Starting to feel the Christmas spirit now

"i have a christmas pick up line for you
im going to make you a card that says
hey baby, merry christmas, i hope santa puts you in my stocking, or underwear... whichever suits you "

Hours of painful writing

Christmas cards done!!

Haven't taken photos with my webcam in ages Kehehe

New fave shop


Christmas shopping makes me feel so good!

But it's bad because I had to restrain from buying things for myself.

When the fuck do I get paid

I don't want to ask my manager because he'll think I'm some stingy gold-digging whore that's only working for the money (which I am). I've asked him a couple of times how much I get paid, firstly at the interview where he said around 10 dollars, then on my first shift, where he said 8 dollars.. I don't even care anymore! I just want money so I can go shopping on Boxing Day, and pay back everyone's money that I've borrowed (Cindy and Julia). So now, I'm checking my netbank account everyday to see if they've paid me.


So it was pretty awkward because I was in my room wrapping up her Forever New bag and Colette wallet which were her gifts from me for Christmas, and I hear her walking towards my room. I panic and decide to get the wrapping paper and cover up the gifts (which was so fucking stupid). Then when she walks in, she sees what I'm doing and I say that it's a Christmas present for some friends. Anyways, just wanna say that I love yew mum very much. You better appreciate the presents because I had to borrow Julia's money and exchange American money to be able to afford it.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

If I ever marry and white guy and have babies...

Career woman

My shifts for next week
Thursday 29th, 7pm-11pm
Friday 30th, 6pm-10pm
Saturday 31st, 5:30pm-10:30pm
Sunday 1st, 11am-5pm

Liking peoples wallposts to hint them, that you want in.


Really need to start my holiday homework

But seriously, I want to enjoy my holidays. My body has just gotten settled into the weird sleeping patterns     and eating large amounts of junk food, and now I have to force myself to do work. I'm contemplating whether to start it now and get it over and done with, or leave it until late January when I won't be going out much and I would've bought all my school books and stationary.
Today I had the chillest shift out of all my shifts so far. Did some fresh prepping of the grill'd ingredients, washed dishes, made burgers, drew up signs. Thank god it wasn't as busy because I was not in the mood. The people that I worked with were also chill and not as awkward as my last shift. But while I was making the burgers, I really had a craving for them. Which was bad because I wasn't allowed a break today.

Christmas/Birthday wish list!!!!11!!1!1!!!

Seafolly bikini

Glitter nail polish

Large satchel
Face shop makeup
Image 1 of TFNC Sequin Dress with Long Sleeves
Sequin dress
Black converse
Bright coloured snake skin clutch.

Sometimes, you really piss the fuck out of me.

Monday 19 December 2011

The sister is officially on holidays.

This time last year I would've just gotten into holidays as well. It makes me realise how much time that I've wasted these past 2 weeks watching dramas and staying at home being antisocial. I'm starting to lose the energetic holiday spirit. I need to go all out this weekkk.

Cindy has told me

That I have many fob spelling errors on my blog. AHHAHAHAH, so from now on I will be extra careful and re-read my posts twice so that my readers don't think that I'm a noob at English.
She has also told me that I sound a bit crazy, because of my positive/hopes of going to the wedding.

Baker King

Has made me crave bread so bad. I've been craving it so much, that I've been regretting not taking the job at Bakers Delight. I need bread in my mouth NOW.

Plans for this week

Tuesday: Work till 2:30 and then hopefully go get glasses, and bank card.
Wednesday: Going to the city with Mel to buy Christmas presents for myself, Christmas cards, and wedding accessories.
Thursday: Meeting up with some old friends at Vic Gardens, eat at TGI Fridays and then work from 5-9.
Friday: Organise wedding shit, buy other things for it. (hopefully I'll be going).
Saturday: WeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWedding
Sunday: Christmas, bonding time with the fam bam. Christmas dinner and opening presents :3
Monay: Boxing day shopping with some slorez. I better still have money to do shopping.

The problem with trying to include everyone in events

Is that they end up not being able to come.

Okay, so I basically did well with all my subjects apart from maths. My maths teacher was kind enough to put on all my maths tests scores from the semester and also my exam score. So now I'm thinking of not showing my parents my report. I got all C's which I'm not complaining about.



Christmas this week.

Things that I still haven't done yet :
-put up and decorate the tree (doubt I'm going to do this).
-write up inspirational and heart felt Christmas cards.
-buy Christmas cards and a little something for extra special people.
-buy Christmas presents for the parents, and maybe Julia if I feel like she deserves any.
-buy accessories and clutch/bag for the wedding outfit. (I'll consider this as my Christmas present for myself.)

Dnm sesh with Lisa's dad.

Made me realise that I am GOING TO GO to that damn wedding. Whatever it takes. I am fucking going. Even if I have to take a taxi.


So I actually had left the house. And yesterday was pree interesting. Went to a 'friends' house that I hadn't been to in years and there was so much food because it was her little brothers birthday party. Yet I ended up still being hungry so we went to the milkbar nearby and bought some junk food (thanks Lisa for the shout). Then whilst walking back I took a photo of some grafitti we had done AGES ago in the cement. Lol I don't even remember doing it. Anyways, when we went back to the house, we just chilled, talked about random stuff/people, got a few calls from Quang, fish braided hair, attempted to relive our childhood by jumping on the trampoline (we probably almost broke it), and photowhored lyk crazay.


Saturday 17 December 2011

If only

he wasn't so stubborn.
Work has made me realise how difficult it is to earn money. Before I had a job, I don't think I valued my parents' money. I just asked for an amount that I was happy with, without thinking about how hard my parents had worked to save up that money. Whether it be 10 dollars or 100. So from now on, I think I'm going to be a bit more stingier and actually save up for something that I REALLY want and need.

I should start

Living for today, instead of living for tomorrow.

Friday 16 December 2011

Work times

Saturday 9:30-2:30

Tuesday 10-2:30

Thursday 5-9


So I was bored on facebook and then decided to stalk some people (come on lets face it, that's what facebooks for). And I never actually realised how many hot girls there are. I'm not trying to be attention seeking, but wow. When I look at their pictures my self esteem probably drops back down to 0.

Beast - Dreaming (I'm A Flower Too OST)

This song soothes the fuck out of me.

One of my many life goals.

Is to find a man who is as charming/beautiful/cute/romantic/sweet/handsome as the men in korean dramas. Live lovingly and contently in a house (doesn't have to be big). And just be happy.


Woke up this morning and saw this bruise/scratch looking thing on my neck. I have no memory and no recall of how it got there. Did I get fucking raped yesterday/during the night??

Thursday 15 December 2011


Missing you and your tits like crazay


Don't assume that I'm a loner when I say this, but I probably only have like 3 or 4 REALLY close/best friends. It's probably because I take a long time to build a close friendship and to trust people. These best friends of mine I've probably known all my life or at least 2 years. And to be honest, I prefer having a few best friends over hundreds of people that I've met once or twice. I can imagine my future in 5 or 10 years still being friends with these people while going to Uni, sharing an apartment and watching Kdramas.


Saw a 3 year old boy on my train

-He had nicer skin than me
-He had a taller nose than me
-He had longer eyelashes than me
-He had bigger eyes than me

For the first time in my life.

I've been mistaken for being half black (nationality wise). Omg, I think I almost died when I heard this.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Nice guys

Encountered a few nice guys today and to be honest, if you're lacking in the looks department but have a kind and nice personality then I'd rather be around you than a guy with amazing looks but a cocky/mean personality. At the end of the day, the nice personality makes up for the looks.

Buying shit and never using it.

Well, I bought a couple of dramas AGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS ago, and I never got the chance to watch it, but I was bored so I finally made the effort to watch it. The drama is called Baker King, and omg it is so good. Highly recommend it. And I looked at the back of the case and the main actor is actually the same guy in I'm a Flower Too,which I'm also currently watching.

Yoon Shi Yoon.

28 degrees tomorrow

I wish I had fwendz to go to the beach wif :(((((

My legs kill

Today at 3 o'clock I went to Grill'd for an introduction where I signed some forms and got a tour around the place. Then at 4 I officially started working. My uniform is so sexy. Lovin the bandana. And also lovin the cute white guys that work here. I started off by making the burgers, and it was actually so insane once there were allot of customers. And the intense heat from the grills didn't help either. Oh well, I really loved it and I'm working again on Saturday. Visit me bitchz.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Recently, my hair has become really thin, probably because I've been losing allot of it or maybe because of the length. So I dunno, I need a change. Did some research on the reliable Google :
"Certain types of hair styles also help in making hair look thicker and voluminous. For example, thin textured hair that usually fall limp can be kept short to make them look fuller. Long hairstyles can make your hair look thinner. Plus, straight hair can be cut in layers to make them appear thicker."

My internet has mood swings.

On some days it can be fast as fuck and load everything. Then on other days it is probably even slower than dial up internet, and doesn't load a thing. So today, it's decided to be slow.


I've been craving for a new piercing/s. Had this talk with Cindy yesterday and we decided to get our tops done (on the ear). But I think I might get mine sooner than her because I can't wait any longer. Also, I've been craving to get my belly button done. Pros, it looks so hot, good for summer, it can cover up my fugly "outy" belly button. Cons, some say it looks sluttish? might get infected, the pain of getting it done, and I'd have to hide it from the parents, costs money.

Things that I need to do today

1. Buy contacts for work tomorrow (Because parents are too stingey atm to buy me new glasses)
2. Get bank details and tax file number (also for work)
3. Take off nail polish, and repaint
4. Learn some of Oh Yeah
5. Consider putting up the Christmas tree
6. Buy new shampoo and hair volumiser. Pamper hair.
