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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Forgot to mention

This is a little dedi to ma gurl miss lam. She looked so stunning on her formal night, 2perf2handle. And you should be grateful for that bouquet of 20 roses because I only got 2. Hahahhaha


  • I srsly need to stop going to lg parties lawl. Anyways on saturday it was jenny and ambers birthday, (don't even know who amber is tbh). Had a fab tym working off the pizza that I'd demolished and watching some cute halfie munt. Safe to say I did not think he was cute anymore after that. 
  • Holidays are so soon I can taste it. And once again I have an extensive list of what I'd like to do but pretty sure I won't be able to complete half of them. Legit need to get my L's soon.
  • And I'm in the biggest dilemma because there is so many birthdays coming up and I haven't been shopping for new clothes in the longest time but to go shopping I need money and to get money I need a job. People who have jobs and can still manage their school work and social lyf, seriously I bow down to you. So yeah if I do get a job I'd probably only be working 1/2 shifts a week on the weekends, but idk where to apply..
  • My.skin.is.shit. And I'm sensing that it's because of my period which should be coming soon. I actually can't even look at my face in the mirror because it's so fez lol. Bless the poor souls at school who have to look at me everyday
  • Anyone going to any lectures these holidays?? (oh yeah this needs money too, god damn tsfx why are you so expensive)
  • And I've started to do the 30 day squat challenge hahaha finally doing some legitimate exercise, and I'm interested to see when I'll give up lol
  • Need to do something new to my hair because it's so thin and flat and I'm shedding a lot of it. Probs get layers again??!! 
  • Just so many decisions I need to make :(((((((

Derpest person I've ever seen

Thursday 20 June 2013


After winging my viet sac, Andy julia and I decided to go for lunch. It was shit weather (not enjoying the cold weather right now), but it was good dnming and eating foods that I'd been craving.

Tried this afterschool for the first time!

Andy the pilot, u can fly mi plane anyday

macaroon addict 

God has answered my prayers

Delayed but omg socceroos yay brazil yay fifa2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Was never a fan of soccer until this year and never even realised how much skill it required and how intense it is and just omg. And now my goal (hehe geddit?) is to marry a soccer player and have sporty little babies. 

Slightly delayed but yay for formal!!

Currently suffering from post formal depression. Every time that I have nothing to do or I'm on the train I find myself just going through all the photos on my phone from formal and then just feel really empty lawl. It was actually such a fun/ intense/ stressful/ exhilarating night. Pres at Crown towers started at 4:30 but trust me to be late. I rocked up my hair still in braids and with half my makeup done. Then I ditched anth (soz gurl) to change, finish my makeup and take out my braids so I could tame my poodle like hair Hahahha kinda regret not begging mum to pay for profesh hair. And then I ate a shit load of pringles because I hadn't eaten a proper meal the whole day. We then made our way to The Regal Ballroom in Northcote via our classy maxi cab HAHA. Was once again extremely late (we came late last year as well), because everyone else had already been served their entrees. Everyone looked god damn amazing, one girl had the same dress as me lol  I looked better tbh  HAHAHAHAH just kidding gurl............ ok I'm not.

Food was way better this year and overall the vibe was better because I think the dj was better even though he looked pretty old and kept replaying the song Get Lucky (it's a great song but pls don't replay it like 10 times). My heels really started to hurt towards the end, and highlight of the night was definitely the free photobooth and being with all the people I love ehheeheh. Afterwards we got another cab back to crown and then all changed into our afterparty gear. So we basically had a pre afterparty before the afterparty LOL. Ended up not going to ap because dad picked me up too early but it was a fun night nonetheless.



all class in the toilets

idk why these photos have rotated
amigos 5lyf
Val in action


fave azns

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Wot I got up to yesterday

Went to the city to buy my formal stuff. I still haven't gotten everything omg I may just kill myself. I bought eyelashes (buy one get one free at priceline!), a lip liner, sticky bra, undies to wear under my dress (tmi but idc) because wearing a white dress is so damn annoying since everything shows. And a desperately needed iphone case for 2 dollars and those lanterns from typo to sex up my room for 5 dollars. Lol ily sales, jk i just can't afford full priced items.

To the gat: u drain my life, actually ended up guessing majority of the math questions hahaha.

Tomorrow=death for me. Literally winging both my practice exams for chem and bio, but I'll be one happy gurly when its all over.

Monday 10 June 2013


trip 2 da dentist lawl

h8 the dentist

Our beloved room which we've lived in for almost all our lives :'((~~~~

don't hate mi hate my swag

b4 troll sesh

afta troll sesh

dis 1


omg dead


sexplosion in my mouth-sweet and sour prawns

the lisas

deep fried fatty goodness

banana fritterz

master of squatting

candy crush in chem HAHA

Must watch list

-Great Gatsby (but should probably read the book first)
-World War Z (should also read the book lol)
-After Earth
-Fast 6 (already watched but omg it was so gooodddd)
-Hangover 3
-This is the end, the trailer for this looks so fucking amazing.


Had tutor and it was way 2 draining. Then we went to a 1st birthday of some random family friend and they had a little buffet thing going on so we had a bit to eat before going home. Lisa and Phuong came by eventually and we went to hp for dins and then went to playtime and it was seriously such a lucky day since Lisa won the jackpot on one of those 20c coin games, so we won almost 1k tickets. (is it sad that that was the highlight of my weekend lol). Then we bought some macarons or is it spelt macaroons? Hahaha which I didn't like at first until I tried the San Churros salted caramel and cookies and cream ones and I swear that was when I fell in love. People who have not tried it are legit missing out. I understand doe since they are so fkn expensive (12 pack for 30 dollars..). But yeah it was a chilled relaxed weekend, and it felt great to not have school today. But I procrastinated like a bitch so now I'm cramming chem and bio for my prac exams on Thursday. Stressing my tits off (wot tits). Okay bye now chicas.

look horrible but i bumped into dis gal as well! yayay

pretty fuckas

heaven on earth

Sunday 9 June 2013

And I know it's already too late to apply but can anyone pls tell me if you need the umat for science at Melbourne??!!!

Back from the absences bitches

Some updates!!!

  • I'm officially a westsider! lol we moved around the start of last month. Now that I think about it, it's actually gone by incredibly fast. So far I really like it here in Sunshine, just gets a bit quiet and really cold at night, but yeah I'm still settling in. (will always love Richmond more doe) Love my new room and I'll take photos of it soonish when I get some new bed sheets and other furniture. Training to school is such a bitch though, but at least I'm getting some much needed exercise in time for formal!!!!!!
  • Omg formal is this friday lyk wtf. I still need to get so much shit and I'm still pretty angry because I was supposed to get it all on Saturday. But anywho I am so excited and stressed and I've actually been looking forward to it since the start of the year. Hopefully everything turns out according to plan. Praying that no one else will rock up with the same dress (if u do i will destroy u).
  • School has been more draining then ever! I actually feel sorry for the people I sit with in class because I am dead 90% of the time. Sacs u kill mi. Overall I'm doing best in my English sacs then Bio then Viet, lol don't even mention methods and chem. 
  • Social lyf has been fab. Okay not rly. Just had fun gatherings for Phuongs birthday and Lisas birthday, the social lol but I have heaps of parties coming up because everyones birthdays seems to be in fkn june and july. Which means I will be the biggest broke bitch :(((((((((((
  • And I can't think off the top of my head what else I've been wanting to say for the past couple of months but hope everyone is well, studying hard, being healthy and being happy!! xoxoxoox