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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Tuesday 25 June 2013


  • I srsly need to stop going to lg parties lawl. Anyways on saturday it was jenny and ambers birthday, (don't even know who amber is tbh). Had a fab tym working off the pizza that I'd demolished and watching some cute halfie munt. Safe to say I did not think he was cute anymore after that. 
  • Holidays are so soon I can taste it. And once again I have an extensive list of what I'd like to do but pretty sure I won't be able to complete half of them. Legit need to get my L's soon.
  • And I'm in the biggest dilemma because there is so many birthdays coming up and I haven't been shopping for new clothes in the longest time but to go shopping I need money and to get money I need a job. People who have jobs and can still manage their school work and social lyf, seriously I bow down to you. So yeah if I do get a job I'd probably only be working 1/2 shifts a week on the weekends, but idk where to apply..
  • My.skin.is.shit. And I'm sensing that it's because of my period which should be coming soon. I actually can't even look at my face in the mirror because it's so fez lol. Bless the poor souls at school who have to look at me everyday
  • Anyone going to any lectures these holidays?? (oh yeah this needs money too, god damn tsfx why are you so expensive)
  • And I've started to do the 30 day squat challenge hahaha finally doing some legitimate exercise, and I'm interested to see when I'll give up lol
  • Need to do something new to my hair because it's so thin and flat and I'm shedding a lot of it. Probs get layers again??!! 
  • Just so many decisions I need to make :(((((((

Derpest person I've ever seen

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