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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Sunday 9 June 2013

Back from the absences bitches

Some updates!!!

  • I'm officially a westsider! lol we moved around the start of last month. Now that I think about it, it's actually gone by incredibly fast. So far I really like it here in Sunshine, just gets a bit quiet and really cold at night, but yeah I'm still settling in. (will always love Richmond more doe) Love my new room and I'll take photos of it soonish when I get some new bed sheets and other furniture. Training to school is such a bitch though, but at least I'm getting some much needed exercise in time for formal!!!!!!
  • Omg formal is this friday lyk wtf. I still need to get so much shit and I'm still pretty angry because I was supposed to get it all on Saturday. But anywho I am so excited and stressed and I've actually been looking forward to it since the start of the year. Hopefully everything turns out according to plan. Praying that no one else will rock up with the same dress (if u do i will destroy u).
  • School has been more draining then ever! I actually feel sorry for the people I sit with in class because I am dead 90% of the time. Sacs u kill mi. Overall I'm doing best in my English sacs then Bio then Viet, lol don't even mention methods and chem. 
  • Social lyf has been fab. Okay not rly. Just had fun gatherings for Phuongs birthday and Lisas birthday, the social lol but I have heaps of parties coming up because everyones birthdays seems to be in fkn june and july. Which means I will be the biggest broke bitch :(((((((((((
  • And I can't think off the top of my head what else I've been wanting to say for the past couple of months but hope everyone is well, studying hard, being healthy and being happy!! xoxoxoox

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