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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 24 September 2012

The boyf talk

Recently my parents have been giving me heaps of talks about boyfriends. Every time I go out to the city or somewhere, they get a bit suspicious especially if I say I'm going to State. They don't want me to get a boyfriend until I've finish uni (lol what a joke), and they said that they don't like me studying at State because I could just be meeting up with a boy. Apparently last time they went to State and all they saw was couples. Aahahahahahah I think I have the most nazi/crazy/tightass/strict azn parents.


This gal

  • Had a small operation on my ear.
  • Then met up with Val in the city.
  • We went to cockblock Lanna at state heheheh, and then had lunch and went around shopping and spying.
  • While shopping, all I could think about was the opp shop which I've fallen in love with.

Sunday-Oriana Receptions with Lisa the fag

You aint even from the westside
Mah boyf <3~~~

Sunday 23 September 2012

I've reached my 800th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Compared to other people, it isn't that much but hey, I'm a busy girl running this crazay blog so I'm quite proud of myself. Holding major celebrations for my 1000th post!


  • Woke up really early to go to an opp shop with mum and dad. Apparently there was knitwear for one dollar and it was just a really good opp shop in general. It was in Broadmeadows, in some sort of factory/warehouse. So it was really big and I think I'm going to go every couple of weeks because its now my most favourite shop. And I liked it because there wasn't many people so there was still good items. I'll try take photos of the things I bought.
  • After that we went to pick up Julias friend and then headed to Melbourne Central to meet up with everyone else for her birthday. We decided to watch Hotel of Transylvania even though I had wanted to watch The Watch. The movie was alright but I think I'm just too old for childrens movies now, with the exception of the classic Disney movies which I will always love.
  • After the movie we went to eat at Nandos and then made our way to Galactic Circus for a game of Lazer Tag. We had to wait 30 minutes for another group to finish so being typical Asians, we battled it out on the DDR machines.
  • And is it me, or is there always some random white cock blocking team who manages to be in the same game as us and takes the game wayy too seriously, like they're in the army or something. 
  • Me and Julia then got picked up from the city and then we went to a massive party held in a primary school hall in St Albans. They did not make enough food, but all was good when the dj played Gangnam style! That made my night, which makes me so excited for my babys 18th on Saturday.


  • Finished at 12:30 and was picked up from school by mah homegurl
  • We caught up on life and for my very first time, went to eat at a Sushi Train. I think i spent the first 15 minutes trying to decide which dish to eat because they all looked so good and I wanted to spend my money wisely considering the dishes were $3.50 each.
  • Then we headed to melbourne central to buy Cindys present.
  • Thao left to see her school friends and I was left to wonder around the city alone :'((((
  • I tried to buy Julias present but then the place had sold out of the thing I was going to buy. 
  • So I settled with studying at State since I had a couple of hours to kill, but then my parents told me to come home to eat so yahhh.
  • And it felt so fucking good to not have to sleep early or do any Viet homework because I convinced my parents that we weren't doing anything for that lesson, even though Pete had arranged for us to do a practice oral for next year.

Thursday 20 September 2012

I've changed for da betterr~~

I just came to the realization that my older posts from like when I started this blog is really easy to look at thanks to my smart monthly posts gadget thingo on the side of my blog. So please if you're ever feeling bored  and reading my older posts. Don't judge.

You suck tasha

Okay, turns out that Joseph actually hadn't replied and that it was just a passage from one of his interviews. Lol and I was here being completely jealous of Tash


“The (500) Days of Summer attitude of “He wants you so bad” seems attractive to some women and men, especially younger ones, but I would encourage anyone who has a crush on my character to watch it again and examine how selfish he is. He develops a mildly delusional obsession over a girl onto whom he projects all these fantasies. He thinks she’ll give his life meaning because he doesn’t care about much else going on in his life. A lot of boys and girls think their lives will have meaning if they find a partner who wants nothing else in life but them. That’s not healthy. That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person.”
— Joseph Gordon-Levitt

My friend messaged Joseph's real facebook and above is his reply. Which wasn't really effective with steering me away. Lol it made me love him even more. 

I want jelly shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Pretty cool

Things I desperately need in my life

A Michael Kors watch.
Nike runners.
Lace bralette.
Raybans or the John Lennon sunglasses.
Belly piercing.
Knuckle rings.
Joseph Gordan-levitt.

Things I need to do before the holidays begin

  • Study for my Psych sac and Chem sacs on Thursday.
  • Get my things together for my Bio excursion tomorrow. We're going to Point Cooke and counting seashells! Fun..
  • Buy Julias birthday present.
  • Buy Cindys birthday present.
  • Gather up money for Mels birthday present.
  • Reunion with Thao on Friday, catch up, dnm about boys and our sad lives. I haven't seen her in soooo long.
  • Go for a run/s.
  • Make xxx a birthday video.
  • Write up my oral for Viet. Yes I'm actually doing work for this subject. And I'm so glad I'm not doing Viet 3/4 this year otherwise I'd be shitting myself for the oral.
  • Have fun and enjoy school because this year is seriously almost over!
I had two sacs today, one for chemistry and one for english. I think I did well in both of them, considering for the english sac I had to analyse an article and completed it in 55 minutes, when I was supposed to have 75 minutes (because we have shorter periods due to parents teacher interviews). Lol speaking of parent teacher interviews, I hadn't even told my parents about it since I don't understand the point of the interviews. They say the same things every year so whatever. And maybe because I'm scared of my methods teacher mentioning my sac scores.

A collection of random/funny/retarded gifs

Luv pugs

For Val Ida

This may be the best thing you have veer seen in your life. Play any song and Spiderman will dance to the beat!!!

Major regrets with cutting my hair

Lol, bitches with super long hair are making me feel depressed. Because I once had my hair at that length and I should've just trimmed it instead of cutting all off.

So if you're wanting to cut your hair short, DONT.

Fucking love early finishes

Wednesday-Biology excursion to Pointcooke!!

Friday 14 September 2012

do you want a boyfriend?

Having a boyfriend has its pros and cons, but I guess it depends on who the guy is. Lol, I don't think I'd want one next year though, because of school and exams!

Thursday 13 September 2012

500 Days of Summer

This movie was like the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Woodstock day/Hippy day

Every year MGC has a themed dress up day, like last year was Disney day and the year before that was Harry Potter day. This year it was Woodstock day which was like a recreation of the Woodstock music festival in the 70's. Just basically imagine hippies, heaps of long skirts, floral items, and tie dye shirts.

Check out Vals hair!!!
And yep, I am beginning to regret cutting my hair short. Lol it's been like what, 3 weeks?...

I am now so determined

Thao Lam: "So end of year exams is coming up. Let's take a bet on our results so we can be more motivated to study. If we all get the same result and its B or above, everyone gets a little treat. If we get the same result and its below B, everyone gets a dare from each other. If we all get different ones from eachother, the person that gets the highest, will be able to FUCKING SERIOUS SERIOUS SERIOUS SERIOUS DARE THE REST. Like serious dare. Like peck some stranger on the mouth or something. But of course, it wouldn't be THAT extreme.. would it... MUAHAHHAHAAHA I know what to dare you guise..... mehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe."

If this works out and I get an A+ for my Psych exam then I'll probably use this method as motivation for next year! 

Monday 10 September 2012

I've never done so well in something I hated so much

Okay Shakespeare, I slightly like you better now. Ily!!

Friday 7 September 2012

do you think your shallow?

I don't think so..? Ahahhaa I guess sometimes I can't help but judge someone with their looks. Then again I tell myself that I don't know this person and it's not my position to judge based on appearance.

Thursday 6 September 2012

What do you look for in da 1?

Da 1 needs to have a good sense of humour and make me laugh. And that's basically my number one thing Ahahha, apart from good looks and a winning personality. I'm obviously not picky.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Go go goooooooooo


What I'm doing right now: having cute fam bonding time and watching The Expendables on t.v.
I think I'd hate to be an only child. Because Julia's gone to a friends house for a sleepover tonight and it is so so quiet in this house.


Lol wot

My mum just said One Direction were good looking.. Ahhahahah what a cougar


Monday 3 September 2012

Gorgeous tanz

I managed to do some tanning at lunch today because I've gotten so pale over the winter that I'm about the same shade as my white friends. Lol I'm definitely going to continue doing this until summer. Tomorrow's 23 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No fucking school on Wednesday. Thank the heavens omg I might spend the day at State with Val and Mel. And it's funny because when I tell my parents that I'm going to the city to go shopping, they let me go but when I say I'm going to the city to study at State they won't let me. Hehe, so sorry to my bipolar azn parents, I'm going to have to tell a little white lie.

Lol i forgot

I hadn't even gotten my period since like, I don't even remember and I was actually enjoying life without it. I get no symptoms apart from eating and eating and eating. But that doesn't really count because I already eat 24/7 whether on my period or not.

Update on netball

Tonight was far better. The team we were against were down 2 players so we had many opportunities which we hadn't in previous games. I'm so proud of my team for coming this far because this is our first season together and we're actually working well together. Also we're in the over 18 division so we're against women who are so much taller and fitter than us. Although we lost (9-24) it was a considerably enjoyable game and I love my Clinkers girls!

Weekend weekendddd

Went to Angelatheslut's house in Meadow Heights and we dnmed about her tb boy problems and then went to IGA to buy extra snacks and also fish and chips at a store near by! We were all on our phones/laptops, being antisocial freaks and I braided 3 cornrows on Natalies head. I'm not a professional so I guess it was good for a beginner but I don't have a photo (Might get Natalie to send me one).
Butter section!

I didn't go to Viet school because I was too tired from staying up late the night before so I slept in and then watched A Walk to Remember. I swear this movie gets me every time. Then I got ready for Sharmans, and curling your hair when its this length is not as easy at it looks. I think I only managed to do 3/4 of my hair because I couldn't reach the back sections. When I arrived at cafe 248 no one was there, so I was a little worried. But I was really relieved when Julie came because I was basically only close to her out of everyone else. The cafe served middle eastern food and it was a set menu. There was warm turkish bread and a salsa type dip and also a yoghurt dip for starters. I was so hungry so I ate so much of that bread and when our actual meal was ready, I became full quite quickly. The main meal was rice with lamb and chicken kebabs. I really liked the lamb when dipped with the yoghurt (okay I'm getting pretty hungry thinking about it). After eating we went back to The Olsen hotel where we took many many photos and inhaled the helium from the balloons. The hotel room gave a nice view of the city of Melbourne and also of MHS (lol Valerie Ida). The rest of the night was alright, except it was ruined over some girl drama. Lol I hate girls.

Dis gurll
Illusion of straight teeth
Gorgeous view

Spastic Tash

I had tutor and then my parents went out so I guess I didn't have to buy my dad a fathers day present?... Lol and the medal for the best daughter goes to meeeeeeeee.