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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Things I need to do before the holidays begin

  • Study for my Psych sac and Chem sacs on Thursday.
  • Get my things together for my Bio excursion tomorrow. We're going to Point Cooke and counting seashells! Fun..
  • Buy Julias birthday present.
  • Buy Cindys birthday present.
  • Gather up money for Mels birthday present.
  • Reunion with Thao on Friday, catch up, dnm about boys and our sad lives. I haven't seen her in soooo long.
  • Go for a run/s.
  • Make xxx a birthday video.
  • Write up my oral for Viet. Yes I'm actually doing work for this subject. And I'm so glad I'm not doing Viet 3/4 this year otherwise I'd be shitting myself for the oral.
  • Have fun and enjoy school because this year is seriously almost over!

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