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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Tuesday 31 July 2012

My new pets


Hehe lol jk everything I touch dies.

I'm in love

Netball is a perfect excuse to buy these.

Psych results in 6 days

And I am shitting bricks. I want it back and I don't want it back. I'll be happy with a B and even more happy with an A. But I highly doubt that I'll get an A because I feel like I was completely unprepared for the exam. Fucking hate vce

Facebook is a life ruiner, it ruins peoples lives.

How do some people have the motivation to do homework and study like every single night for a decent amount of hours. I swear, I need some of that motivation... and also some will power so I stop facebooking.

"No stars ever" LOL

Monday 30 July 2012

"girls are so annoying why am i a girl"

My thoughts entirely

Hooray for being fit!!

Throughout this week I'm going to go for runs at citizens park to build up my fitness and be ready for netball on Monday night. I have such a badass team called the Clinkers and I love our uniform which is a black top and skirt and pink bibs.

Ended up with gold tickets

Omg I've never been so nervous in my life. The second it was 5 pm I refreshed the page and it said that both VVIP and VIP were sold out.


Pursuit of happiness- Kid Kudi

Parents had some friends over and so I had to isolate myself in my room until they left because they were occupying the living room. I realised that we really need to purchase wifi because the internet connection is in the living room and so I had to spend the night with no internet. I also realised that I should probably cut down my internet usage and spend that time productively on homework or studying. Me and Julia ended up recording lame covers and watching this chinese and korean movie on sbs. I managed to complete three quarters of a viet essay which is given to us every week to complete and hand in, but I never do any Viet homework so I was determined to get some work done. I watched about half of the korean movie before I had to go to sleep for vietschool the next day.

Its Michelle's birthday on Tuesday so I bought her a cake and told Andy and Bri to bring some food, but of course they forgot. So we just partied with the cake and Andy's music on his ipad. Afterwards I wanted to go opshopping but then the weather was so bad, so my parents convinced me to go to some vietnamese gathering. I ended up leaving at around 9 because I was bored to death and because mum offered to drive me home. 

Literally did nothing the whole day except watch this Korean movie that I had watched the start of on Friday night. It is probably one of the most touching movies I've ever watched and if you're interested in watching it, the name is Taegukgi (Brotherhood of War). Don't forget your tissues when watching this!

School was average. Jay Park tickets apparently went on sale at 12pm so I had my laptop with me during class, and of course my school had to block the website. So I borrowed my friends iphone to go on the website but it turns out that the tickets go on sale at 5pm so in ten minutes I may be the owner of tickets that enables me to maybe touch Jaypark.

Good looks obviously runs in the family

Thursday 26 July 2012


Magic Mike

Oh lord, it was so good. And that's all I can say. But basically the only parts that were good, were when channing and alex were stripping, and the rest of the storyline was really choppy. The camera angles and editing was also really bad quality. I'm guessing they probably ran out of money from using all these hot actors and so they ended up with nothing left to edit the film lol. And the ending left me really disappointed.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


-I seriously do not understand exercise 16E for Methods. And I actually thought I was acing circular functions.. Maths freaks plz help mi.
-Chem we've just started on the Water topic which I've already covered in tutor so I should be fine.
-Bio was great, I love my teacher and we're having a sac tomorrow on niches. And is it just me, or is the word niche just a really weird word?
-English was a bludge as always and Julie, Karen and I ended up watching the movie "The Uninvited", which had a massive twist at the end like omg, watch it guys.
-We finish early on Tuesdays so we went to Vg and then to Collins street to find Julia a book for school. And no wonder book stores are closing down, I bought 50 Shades of Grey at Kmart for 10 dollars and at Dymocks it was 18.

tb siblings

AAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH this was probably a lame hack but omg me and melissahua could be in-laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 23 July 2012

They look sooo different


My one chance to come within breathing distance of a korean star and now it's fucking ruined because there are even more crazier fans out there than myself. Like what the fuck, I've waited and waited for the day when a korean idol comes to Melbourne and they host the event at Dallas Brooks Centre which is like the size of my bathroom. So meet and greet tickets are sold out and the next best tickets are also sold out (VIP).  The things I would do for a meet and greet ticket right now........

I've settled with gold tickets.

Sunday 22 July 2012


I'm so thirsty right now but my stomach is going to burst if I get another drink. Wtf is wrong with me Lol
Why are there so many goddamn cute couples everywhere. And hot girls with big boobs and nice teeth. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want braces now and to get rid of these fucking stretchmarks which is strange that I have because I'm not overweight. Sometimes I wish I was a boy because they don't need to give birth or go through a menstrual cycle. My back and neck hurts so I could really go for a massage right now but no I have no money and I need to find a job because I'm broke beyond broke.

Moral of the story: money is everything.


  • Boy: Did it hurt
  • Girl: (sigh) did what hurt
  • Boy: Breaking through the earth's crust ascending from hell

Making my mouth water

Thursday 19 July 2012

Omg anthony evans you are so cute

To do list

-Cut my fucking hair
-Find a job like asap or else I'm going to die from deprivation of purchasing things.
-Start netball again and increase my fitness, go to the gym with Julia.
-Get my belly pierced and ready for summer (toned stomach).
-Do a couple hours of homework each night and be organised for the upcoming exams.
-Find birthday presents for Dad, Julia, Mel, Cindy.
-Watch Magic Mike!!!!!!!
-Get my learners because I've been really putting that off
-Jay Parks' concert

Monday 16 July 2012


Omg it's the Australian version of Jersey Shore. What a fucking joke.

Recap of my last week of the holidays

-Seeing the Turoczi's and having a sleepover at their place.
-Spending romantic time with them in the city the next day.
-Getting another helix piercing. Next up: belly piercing!!
-Rebecca's birthday.
-Spending quality time at home procrastinating and wishing for holidays to last forever.

Eating Italian at Crown!

5 star cooking skills

slumba partyyy

Time for a trim

Korean cuisine at Oriental Spoon

shit happens


Monday 9 July 2012

Things stopping me from homeworking

-Jersey Shore
-The new Van Son in Chicago, yes I know...........

My week

-Went to Foodstar in Reservoir since the last time we went together as a family was when I was really little. The place looked really run down but the food wasn't that bad. If you wanted to eat at a fancier place then definitely don't go to Foodstar LOL. I wasn't really hungry to start off with but I still managed to cram in allot of food. 
In foodstars' toilets, classy.

-Slept in and was woken up by Mum at 8:15. My alarm hadn't gone off and so I was going to be late for my Psych lecture. I got ready as fast as I could and then asked if I could get driven to Flinders since I'd be late if I took public transport. Met up with Karen and then made our way to Collins St. where the lecture was being held. I thought there would've been more people, especially more year 11's. They gave us a lunch break for one hour where me and Karen went to Melbourne Central to buy lunch and we came back late. I don't understand how I managed to sit in one spot for almost 5 hours, and I honestly didn't retain much of the information that he told us. But I'm glad that he wasn't mono-toned and could crack a few jokes.
Quite obsessed with my brown jumper.

-Basically spent the whole day watching Jersey Shore. I swear I am so obsessed, I love Snooki to death. I started getting ready at around 5 for dinner with Thao, Cindy and ceebs naming everyone else. It was so cold and we had to wait half an hour for a table at an Italian restaurant called Coretto since we hadn't made any reservations. We finally got our table of 8 and then ordered our food. While waiting, we photowhored on everyones damn smart phones until our food came. It was so fucking good, I have nothing else to say.

Chicken pizza and fettuccine carbonara pasta 
Hawaiian pizzaaaaaaa 

-Watched more of Jersey Shore, I'm on season 4 now! And then we headed off to a family party in St Albans. Thank god Julia brought her laptop or else I would've died of boredom. We watched Sweeney Todd and Transformers 3, and then later on the cute guy who lived there offered us the password to his wifi. I got Julia hooked onto Jersey Shore and when I walked around the house to go find some food, I got introduced to a lady who was a transvestite. Yes, it's not something you come across everyday.

-Watched Jersey Shore all day and then some Community at night. Basically stayed at home and ate like a fat slob.

-Met up with Mel and Julie to go and buy Becs' birthday present. First we went to have brunch at Degraves street. I think I'm going to go there more often now because I love the atmosphere and of course the food. After that we went to Myers and David Jones to look for a Marc Jacobs watch, but we ended up buying an Adidas watch along with Mac mascara and Chanel nail polish. There were so many things I wanted to buy for myself but I'm so broke right now it's unbelievable. After finally buying her present we went to Melbourne Central and ate and chilled at Grill'd.

Lol sorry for draining it with this post xoxo

Thursday 5 July 2012

Monday 2 July 2012

What the shit

Feel old?
  • Shrek 1: Came out 11 years ago
  • Monsters Inc: Came out 11 years ago
  • Dylan and Cole Sprouse: 20 years old
  • Miley Cyrus: Engaged
  • Hillary Duff: Mom
  • That's so Raven: Been off TV for 6 years
  • Lizzie McGuire: Ended 9 years ago
  • Powerpuff Girls: Came out 14 years ago
  • Kim Possible: Last episode was 7 years ago


Had an outing with Lisa. I met her at Footscray station and then we trammed it together and she introduced me to her friend. We caught up and I found out it's almost her 3 months. And is it like relationship season? because there were so many cute couples at Highpoint (fuk u guyz). We went around and shopped with the 40 dollars that mum gave me but it was definitely not enough so I pulled out some of my own money which resulted with  $20 left in my bank account. Then we ate at Grill'd which was probabaly the best meal I've had in a while. I've been craving it for ages and they have new burgers now! Lol I kind of miss working there even though it was for only for like 2 weeks.. Anyways then I got picked up and then we drove to Altona to pick up Julia from her friends house which I am so jealous of because she lives in a double story house like 5 minutes away from the beach.

Yeah okay not a very exciting day, but tomorrow I'm going to stay inside and take a start on holiday homework.

20 dollars in my bank account

This is fucking ridiculousssssssssss.

Oh god

Just looked at my school report, and could probably say that it is my worst one yet. Lol, the best comments are from Psych 3/4 which is good because I basically concentrated on that and neglected my other subjects. Hopefully my parents don't ask to see it, and I'll "forget" to mention to it them. I can't even imagine what dad will say when he sees my methods results....................................

Sunday 1 July 2012

It amazes me how quickly girls can turn on each other.

Recount of yesterday

Had a really nice sleep in and ate Mum's Pho, which was so perfect for this weather. Then we went shopping and ate Yumcha afterwards for brunch. Whilst at yumcha, Josh from Talking about Your Generation came in to eat as well, and I honestly was hyperventilating got a tad starstruck. Afterwards I went home and then prepared to go to a family friends house in St Albans. We seem to be hanging around in St Albans allot lately lol. It turns out that the girls house was someone who I'd seen around a couple of times. Small world! Anywhooo, Lisa and Phuong came later in the night and so we caught up and watched movies and photowhored a little..