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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 9 July 2012

My week

-Went to Foodstar in Reservoir since the last time we went together as a family was when I was really little. The place looked really run down but the food wasn't that bad. If you wanted to eat at a fancier place then definitely don't go to Foodstar LOL. I wasn't really hungry to start off with but I still managed to cram in allot of food. 
In foodstars' toilets, classy.

-Slept in and was woken up by Mum at 8:15. My alarm hadn't gone off and so I was going to be late for my Psych lecture. I got ready as fast as I could and then asked if I could get driven to Flinders since I'd be late if I took public transport. Met up with Karen and then made our way to Collins St. where the lecture was being held. I thought there would've been more people, especially more year 11's. They gave us a lunch break for one hour where me and Karen went to Melbourne Central to buy lunch and we came back late. I don't understand how I managed to sit in one spot for almost 5 hours, and I honestly didn't retain much of the information that he told us. But I'm glad that he wasn't mono-toned and could crack a few jokes.
Quite obsessed with my brown jumper.

-Basically spent the whole day watching Jersey Shore. I swear I am so obsessed, I love Snooki to death. I started getting ready at around 5 for dinner with Thao, Cindy and ceebs naming everyone else. It was so cold and we had to wait half an hour for a table at an Italian restaurant called Coretto since we hadn't made any reservations. We finally got our table of 8 and then ordered our food. While waiting, we photowhored on everyones damn smart phones until our food came. It was so fucking good, I have nothing else to say.

Chicken pizza and fettuccine carbonara pasta 
Hawaiian pizzaaaaaaa 

-Watched more of Jersey Shore, I'm on season 4 now! And then we headed off to a family party in St Albans. Thank god Julia brought her laptop or else I would've died of boredom. We watched Sweeney Todd and Transformers 3, and then later on the cute guy who lived there offered us the password to his wifi. I got Julia hooked onto Jersey Shore and when I walked around the house to go find some food, I got introduced to a lady who was a transvestite. Yes, it's not something you come across everyday.

-Watched Jersey Shore all day and then some Community at night. Basically stayed at home and ate like a fat slob.

-Met up with Mel and Julie to go and buy Becs' birthday present. First we went to have brunch at Degraves street. I think I'm going to go there more often now because I love the atmosphere and of course the food. After that we went to Myers and David Jones to look for a Marc Jacobs watch, but we ended up buying an Adidas watch along with Mac mascara and Chanel nail polish. There were so many things I wanted to buy for myself but I'm so broke right now it's unbelievable. After finally buying her present we went to Melbourne Central and ate and chilled at Grill'd.

Lol sorry for draining it with this post xoxo


  1. You have really pretty hair, its so long!
    - Keyta x

  2. Your hair is amazing oml xox
