About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 23 June 2014


looking at old photos makes me feel calm idk y

found this random couple on instagram

I can not deal with how perf they are (especially the guy lol)

Post-exam feels

Here's what I've done ever since finishing my last exam (chem) on Monday last week. So after chem, Thao Bao and I headed to mc. Dom soon arrived and we went to go eat and chill at ABC. I felt bad because they didn't enjoy the food as much as I did when I went last time with Uyen and Lily. So afterwards we spontaneously trained back to Bao's house where we chilled, ordered pizza, slept, played black jack and then thaobao went into the living room to watch Game of Thrones.  I left at around 7:45 and can I just say I hate how it gets dark so early in winter because in Summer it'd start getting dark at 8/9pm :(

On the Thursday Thao called me up and so we made last minute plans and headed to Desserts by Night. I ordered a panna cotta with lychee, flaked almonds and strawberries and thao got the nutella and strawbs on sourdough with mascarpone cheese. I found the panna cotta average (I enjoyed the brownies from last time more). We then headed to Baos futsal game since it was the finals! And it was such an intense game because his team was against this massive Russian team. Like literally the guys in Bao's team were half their size. At one point Baos team was down by 3 goals but then somehow caught up towards the end. So because they drew (5 all), they settled it with a penalty shoot out but the Russians ended up winning because they had a rly good goalie-gud bc he was fat hahaha. 

Saturday was Edwards 19th and it was sad that only half of RMUG was there but we had fun nonetheless. When we got there I expected music to be pumping and ppl getting down on da dfloor but unfortunately there was none of that.. It was a kb party so people were just eaten, drinking and sitting around. I felt like vomiting after 2 shots of bacardi which has never happened before. Met new ppl and came too overdressed ahahah. Note to self: wear casual clothes when its a "kb party" lmao. And I swear this world is so small, everyone knows everyone.

my favouritest couple ever

phu u are cray

Dee raving

Bao and all his friends

Yesterday Uyen and Lil picked me up and we went for Desserts by Night again. I said I wouldn't get anything because I'm having money problems atm but i just could not resist the green tea ice cream. We then went back to my house to eat sleep rave and repeat. Blurple, our bodies are readi for u xxxxooxoxxox

Saturday 21 June 2014

Don't mind a nipple piercing as well tbh

In my last post I mentioned that Julia got her septum. Well mum literally found out about it the day after she got it, and dad just found out today. Julia u r a shitc*nt. Mum talked to me about it and I quote: 

"I don't mind the normal nose piercings but the one Julia has is ugly"
"I don't mind the normal nose piercings"
"I don't mind the normal nose piercings"

Comment/like/subscribe if u think I should get a nose piercing or if you think I'd suit it or not!!!!!!!
Omg i'm like seriously contemplating getting it fuq.

Friday 20 June 2014

part 2

  • Nothing interesting has rly happened with ma fam apart from my dog (fluffy) having a baby!!!!!! It was unexpected but we love the puppy nonetheless. We still need to find a name for her so pls give me some cute suggestions! Julia is still an lg, and literally she has so much more balls than my 16 yr old self. She recently cut off all her hair which is now shoulder-ish length and also got a septum piercing. I'm quite proud of her for doing spesh and just her performance in vce so far (bc legit i could neva have done spesh). Any bet she'll get a higher Atar than me.. Oh well at least I got the looks in the family #kiddingnotkidding
  • I have a new man in my life. And that man is................................................................................................... Augustus Waters. Hahhaha sry to change the topic but everyone must go see The Fault in Our Stars if you're up for some crying. Which reminds me i must finish the book now, because i remember being completely hooked and reading half of the book in 2 days. 
  • One word: dombrahz 
  • I used to rarely go to the movies because I reckon they're such a waste of money but when dombrahz has an unlimited amount of coupons then y not??!!???  So far we've seen The Other Woman, Captain America, Bad Neighours, X-Men, The Fault in our Stars and the only one I'd highly recommend is Bad Neighbours bc it was quite funny!

Thursday 19 June 2014

Photos to go w/ part 1 hahhaha









#Lils #candid





o m g (part 1)

Correct me if I'm wrong but the last time I blogged about my life was around the time of my 18th (which means 6 months have passed)?!!??!!! It has been way too long and I've legit missed blogging. So so sooo many things have happened and I don't even know where to start, so I'll probs just break this post into categories.

  • We've all come really far since the beginning of uni! I remember first stepping into Melbourne Uni on Academics Advice Day (or was it O-week?), and feeling so incredibly refreshed. It was such a great feeling to begin something new, and create new memories and experiences with different people. During O-week I volunteered for Aa (Australiasian Association), which is basically one of the biggest clubs at uni. And it's kind of sad to admit this but Aa makes uni so much more fun, it's also helped me meet way more new people (from events like the camp, boat cruise, paint party) and so I did become friends with some of Melbourne's most ratchet girls aka #RMUG. Luv u gals 5eva.
  • Just for u guys who are still in high school, uni requires A LOT more self motivation in all aspects such as going to your lectures and tutorials, doing self study at home (which is really important so you're not fucked for exams at the end of the semester). But yeah silly me, I did not pay attention to any of this and I remember just kbing after uni with the usual ppl or even skipping classes all together. (Major ragrets) So yeah if I fail any of my subjects this semester I may need to repeat it which costs money and time huhuuhuuuuhhuuh. Also you tend to spend a lot during the week on food and shopping since it's so close to the city so bring your own lunches at home to save money, and also its okay to repeat outfits!!! (bc none rly cares HAHAH).
  • Note: if you're planning to do Bachelor of Science then don't expect any hot guys, because there are none. Lmao
Social Life
  • Its just been the usual in the last 6 months, the same old lg parties (which are fun ok pls dun judge). FUTURE MUSIC FESTIVAL!!!!! It was my first time going to an over age festival and it was really fun! On the day it was so hot so I didn't go all out until it started getting darker. 
  • Then the weekend after fmf was Aa camp and it was such a gr8 experience. It had fun/lame activities and the getting drunk part and dressing up in costumes was a highlight of mine. Feiyad played into the early mornings and literally I danced all night on the first night, but then koed on the second night (had no idea goon could get u completely fucked lol)
  • The weekend after camp I'm pretty sure was Tom and Jonos, I found this party ok. I just remember being mked for some reason. Maybe it was because of this one drunk lg that kept running around and bumping into me. Oh and I've learned new vocab in the past 6 months (mked=mood killed).
  • Electric Run was basically just a 5km track around flemington race course with pit stops along the way of cool lights and scenery, and at the end of the track was a little rave but with shit music. I wouldn't pay 60 dollars to do it again tbh, but it was a fun experience!!
  • Then came boat cruise...You know how there's always that one girl that gets drunk before everyone else, well yeah I was that one girl. Fml I would've had such an amazing night if I didn't get drunk, and the boat did not make me feel any better. But yeah it was a very good night with good music, stripper poles and a beach theme!! Just some advice, have press because the drinks were totally overpriced. And special thnx to mk n thao for looking after me :')
  • Asean ball + after party: i cbfklife writing everything that happened so i'm just gonna say it was sooo fun, i had the time of my life and i have high expectations for Aa ball now. Credits to dombrahz for inviting me hehe. And also thnx to Lil n Uyenigz for being there xoxo
  • Lilys bday weekend was very fun. Thursday was round 1 and we went to play bowling and spontaneously ordered abc shots. Friday was round 2 where we went to Uncle for dinner, yum food, lovely ppl, gud vibes. Then came Saturday which was Lils apartment. Everyone basically got munted except for Dom and I. It was a fab night regardless tho. Considering getting an apartment or hotel for my 19th if i'm not povo by then.
  • Next came paint party and when we got there I remember thinking it would be a shit night since no one was there yet. It took a couple hours until eventually the club was packed and this is when it started getting good!! The paint was wet, cold and disgusting yet enjoyable. It was a ratchet night and drinks were more affordable this time but i was stupid and only bought wet pussy and jello shots which didn't do anything. 
  • Mks bday was held at Rainbow Karaoke and it was my first time so I was really rrllyyy excited. The food was actually so yum (the fish balls and fried squid #froth). We sang our hearts out to artists lyk riri, queen B and JT. The atmosphere was cosy and just so mch luv for da one n only mary-kim anes yeah!!!