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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 23 June 2014

Post-exam feels

Here's what I've done ever since finishing my last exam (chem) on Monday last week. So after chem, Thao Bao and I headed to mc. Dom soon arrived and we went to go eat and chill at ABC. I felt bad because they didn't enjoy the food as much as I did when I went last time with Uyen and Lily. So afterwards we spontaneously trained back to Bao's house where we chilled, ordered pizza, slept, played black jack and then thaobao went into the living room to watch Game of Thrones.  I left at around 7:45 and can I just say I hate how it gets dark so early in winter because in Summer it'd start getting dark at 8/9pm :(

On the Thursday Thao called me up and so we made last minute plans and headed to Desserts by Night. I ordered a panna cotta with lychee, flaked almonds and strawberries and thao got the nutella and strawbs on sourdough with mascarpone cheese. I found the panna cotta average (I enjoyed the brownies from last time more). We then headed to Baos futsal game since it was the finals! And it was such an intense game because his team was against this massive Russian team. Like literally the guys in Bao's team were half their size. At one point Baos team was down by 3 goals but then somehow caught up towards the end. So because they drew (5 all), they settled it with a penalty shoot out but the Russians ended up winning because they had a rly good goalie-gud bc he was fat hahaha. 

Saturday was Edwards 19th and it was sad that only half of RMUG was there but we had fun nonetheless. When we got there I expected music to be pumping and ppl getting down on da dfloor but unfortunately there was none of that.. It was a kb party so people were just eaten, drinking and sitting around. I felt like vomiting after 2 shots of bacardi which has never happened before. Met new ppl and came too overdressed ahahah. Note to self: wear casual clothes when its a "kb party" lmao. And I swear this world is so small, everyone knows everyone.

my favouritest couple ever

phu u are cray

Dee raving

Bao and all his friends

Yesterday Uyen and Lil picked me up and we went for Desserts by Night again. I said I wouldn't get anything because I'm having money problems atm but i just could not resist the green tea ice cream. We then went back to my house to eat sleep rave and repeat. Blurple, our bodies are readi for u xxxxooxoxxox

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