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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 20 June 2014

part 2

  • Nothing interesting has rly happened with ma fam apart from my dog (fluffy) having a baby!!!!!! It was unexpected but we love the puppy nonetheless. We still need to find a name for her so pls give me some cute suggestions! Julia is still an lg, and literally she has so much more balls than my 16 yr old self. She recently cut off all her hair which is now shoulder-ish length and also got a septum piercing. I'm quite proud of her for doing spesh and just her performance in vce so far (bc legit i could neva have done spesh). Any bet she'll get a higher Atar than me.. Oh well at least I got the looks in the family #kiddingnotkidding
  • I have a new man in my life. And that man is................................................................................................... Augustus Waters. Hahhaha sry to change the topic but everyone must go see The Fault in Our Stars if you're up for some crying. Which reminds me i must finish the book now, because i remember being completely hooked and reading half of the book in 2 days. 
  • One word: dombrahz 
  • I used to rarely go to the movies because I reckon they're such a waste of money but when dombrahz has an unlimited amount of coupons then y not??!!???  So far we've seen The Other Woman, Captain America, Bad Neighours, X-Men, The Fault in our Stars and the only one I'd highly recommend is Bad Neighbours bc it was quite funny!

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