About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Will resume blogging after next Monday. For the mean time hope all of you have a happy Halloween and treat yourself to watching the best Halloween movie of all time "Hocus Pocus"!!!

  • trick or treat in america: receive candy
  • trick or treat in australia: "fuck off cunt this isn't america"

Tuesday 23 October 2012


1. Psych exam.
2. Catching up with a whole Methods chapter. And omg I got my results back for my sac and its the best that I've ever done!
3. Wanting a job but not being able to find one.
4. Dad's  fishing addiction LOL.
5. All these parties coming up and having no money.
6. Doing the tax return shit, but Grill'd hasn't even mailed me my payment summary even though I only worked there for like 3 weeks.
7. Having to live on prepaid for a month before I get my iPhone.
8. Moving houses, eventually.

Oh hot dayum

Mr. Ocean

"I believe that marriage isn't between man and woman, but between love and love"

I kind of wish that all this VCE shit was over already. Seeing the year 12's from my school celebrate their last couple of days is making me feel reeeaaaaaal jellyyyyyyyyy.

Here's just a nice list of some of the things they did to the school.
-Glad wrapped the canteen area so no one could buy their lunch.
-Had many dance raves.
-Dressed up on "Manly Monday" and "Tasteless/Tacky Tuesday"
-Moved all the furniture from the year 11 study centre onto the netball courts.
-Glad wrapped the corridor entries.
Come to think of it, they're actually not that bad. I'm soo looking forward to next year when I  can target on the shitty year 7's and 11's.

I also had my last Psych 3/4 class on Monday. It nowkind of feels like I'm missing a part ov mi~~~

Spot me

Sunday 21 October 2012

Apart from all my other material needs, I've added another one to my list.

Psych exam in exactly 2 weeks.

In preparation for it I need to do everything on this list:
-Print off practice exams
-Do practice exams
-Questions which I don't know or got wrong will need to be revised.
-Focus on short answer and extended response questions. Use correct terminology and refer back to scenarios.
-Time myself.
-Do general revision over the older material from start of semester.
-2 hours every day for the next week. And then 3 hours for the week leading up to exam.



We All Try-Frank Ocean

Felt ill in the morning so I didn't have my usual appetite for breakfast. Continued to feel gross throughout the day and didn't have an appetite at recess either. And trust me guys I'm not anorexic lol. I forced myself to have a muesli bar and drink lots of water. Then after school I met up with Aaron the loser to see paranormal. The movie was a disappointment but it was nice catching up again with this slut. I had to leave after the movie to go have dinner with the fam which we haven't done properly for a while so it was quite cute.

Viet school will forever be a drainer and Pete's talks about year 12 Viet are giving me the shits. Me Bri and Andy went to go have lunch at the Korean restaurant on Vic st. The restaurant had just opened when we arrived so there wasn't anyone else inside. The food was good but it wasn't as good as other Korean restaurants that I've been to, and also it was pricier. But the servings were massive so I felt preggaz after finishing eating. I then headed to Hangs house and because of boredom we decided to go see Taken 2, since there had been allot of hype about it. The movie was really good because it kept you on edge through the whole thing.

Went to tutor and found out that the only other person in my methods class is quitting soon. So I'm thinking whether I should quit as well, since I don't like one on one tutoring. WHY IS THERE NO ONE AT TC. I feel like Sunday afternoons have such a carefree and laid back vibe, so me and my sister watched 2 eps of To The Beautiful You (korean version of Hana Kimi). Minho is so fucking beautiful. Omg

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Lyf sux

I have 2nd and 3rd period off today which means I'm able to force myself to finish this stupid English oral and maybe do some needed studying for Psych. But it means that I can't sleep in or leave early :'(((((~~

Sunday 14 October 2012

I forgot to mention this last week!

On Monday my netball team officially won our very first game!! Yes we were extremely excited and even though we won because of the other teams forfeit (due to having not enough players), we were still quite proud and took the opportunity, of course, to take team photos.

Friday 12 October 2012


Yes, I was present when he did this

Fkn gotta get some cheese over here


My Chem sub teacher today used that way too frequent in her sentences. Maybe because she's from Canada and has that slight American accent. Just reminds me of cowboys and how they say howdy y'all.
My weekends have become considerably duller and duller. I need some colour n spice in mah lyf. I wanna meet new peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, experience things that I've never experienced beforeeeeeeeee.


Wish list

  • Nike free runs, the black and white ones because they'll go with everything and I'm a tad over fluoro now.
  • A watch. Any watch. I just want a watch to fill up the bare space on my wrist. I don't even know if I'll be referring to it for the time, since I rely on my phone for that.
  • Long hair omg.

Love you Riri

I've been losing motivation to blog

Maybe it's due to the fact that nothing exciting has been happening in the past couple of weeks. The thought of exams in less than a month is really starting to make me panic, but I guess all I can do now is try to prepare myself the best that I can to win the bet between the Lezbos. 

So next week is basically death for me since I have my English sac and Methods sac on Monday. A Chem sac on Tuesday, and also another Methods sac on Thursday. Not to mention my Psych study which I'm aiming to do between 1-2 hours each day. Note to self, I need to go print off practice exams and get my usb off Thao because all of the exams are on there.

Highlights of the week:
-I've been crazily applying for jobs online and I'm going to go to places around the city on Sunday. I had an interview today at the Cotton On on Bridge Rd, and of course I manage to stumble on the easiest question "Tell us about yourself" Lol. I also received an email from Factorie saying that I'd gotten to the interview round but that they were only looking for casuals who could work at Highpoint and Watergardens and also several other suburbs which are really far for me. I'm not sure if I should just go to the interview anyways, since the job will be on the holidays so travelling there won't be too bad.
-I'm getting a new phone sooooon, I hope because my plan apparently ended ages ago so I'm just waiting for the iPhone 5 to die down a bit.
-I think most of my time has been wasted from watching thrifting videos on youtube. Its actually depressing that Australia doesn't have dirt cheap clothing like America. If anyone knows any good op shops please enlighten me.
-Another goal that I'm trying to achieve is to drink a mug of green tea each night before bed because apparently it's really good for stress, and has heaps of antioxidants which is good for your skin and health etc.

All in all, this has been such a random post and I will try to do more exciting things with my life so I can blog about it. P3@ce Owt

Monday 8 October 2012

Feeling sick?

DRINK GREEN TEAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Normally people feel better after taking a nap but I feel even worse.

Friday 5 October 2012

Puberty Blues

I don't know how this show has gotten me hooked but it has. I literally felt so empty when I finished the last episode of the season. And I think it would've been way cooler to live in the 70's right next to the beach.

Above is the song that's played  many times throughout the show and it's been stuck in my head cause it's so soothing and omggg reminds me of summer I dont know why.

Nice fam bonding time

Today was the end of my 3 day lecture for methods at Tsfx. They all started at 9:30 in the morning which meant I had to wake up at 7:30 which was basically normal school time. Can you believe that school is in 3 days..................................................................................................... I have not touched my books at all. God help me. And of course I decide to ditch precious study time and go fishing with my parents on the yarra. It was only me and dad at first and we caught heaps, so I had no chance of being bored to death like all the other times. Not boasting or anything but I caught a monster of a fish today, and when dad measured it, it turned out to be 60 cm!!!!!  I better not turn into some fishing addict like my parents, but today I just realized why they love it so much, and so I don't think I'll be lecturing them about going fishing everyday anymore.

And I would've taken photos of the fish for evidence but I loathe my phone right now. All I want is the new iPhone  is that too much to ask?

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012

Goodbye any attempt of having flawless skin.

My period is coming soon. I can sense it.

Hungry all the time.

I think during these holidays my meals have changed into being more frequent and with larger proportions. Like I don't even feel full anymore. If only all this food could go to my nonexistent boobs.

And what the hell

It's already October. I didn't even realise, lol September went by really fast.

And can my laptop stop being a massive bitch with this shockwave player shit. I just want to go on chat like normal people without having to restart everything and downloading new software.

Massive post

Thursday-Andrew Chois 17th and Jay Park
  • Met up with Val at Burnley Station then met up with Bec on Vic street.
  • Trammed together to Balwyn but we arrived surprisingly early so we decided to lounge around at a park nearby.
  • We tanned, took photos and listened to music.
  • Met up with Mel at the party, and tried to make the most of my time since I was only staying for like 2 hours. 
  • The pool was way too cold, but the barbecue was really good and it was nice hanging around new people.
  •  Left around 6 to go to Jay Park and when I got to Dallas Brooks Centre the line of people was unfolding all the way down the street! It was so crazy.
  • Any who Jay was amazing, unfortunately I didn't get VIP tickets so I was pretty far away from him. And so when he ripped off his top and threw it to the audience I had no chance of catching it.

Forgot to rotate, but while we were posing for this photo the owner of the house drives up into his driveway. So awkward.

Friday-Melissa's 17th

  • Met up with Karen Bec and Julie at David Jones to buy Mel her present.
  • We then made our way to Galactic Circus where everyone else was.
  • We were down a couple of people so we were able to play 2 games of laser tag!
  • After Laser tag we all went to go have dinner at Baci (I think thats what it's called). The food was really good and I left after having a good photowhoring sesh.

Saturday-Cindy's 18th

  • Went to a free psych lecture at Vic Uni. It was quite informative, and they gave us free notes, a drink bottle and a free pen. Aahahahhahha
  • After that the fam and I went to Ha Long restaurant in St Albans for a one month old birthday party thingo, of a family friends daughter who came down from Queensland. We were served typical asian food such as spring rolls, stir fried noodles, soup and fried rice, but the adults got better food. It was good seeing Steph and Thuy again!
  • We left at around 9 and arrived just in time when the group photos were being taken. It was the first time arriving reasonably late to a party so I was really excited to finally get there and see everyone.
  • Took many photos and then danced our bums off.
  • It was such a great night and Happy Birthday Cindy againn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh rob