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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 5 October 2012

Nice fam bonding time

Today was the end of my 3 day lecture for methods at Tsfx. They all started at 9:30 in the morning which meant I had to wake up at 7:30 which was basically normal school time. Can you believe that school is in 3 days..................................................................................................... I have not touched my books at all. God help me. And of course I decide to ditch precious study time and go fishing with my parents on the yarra. It was only me and dad at first and we caught heaps, so I had no chance of being bored to death like all the other times. Not boasting or anything but I caught a monster of a fish today, and when dad measured it, it turned out to be 60 cm!!!!!  I better not turn into some fishing addict like my parents, but today I just realized why they love it so much, and so I don't think I'll be lecturing them about going fishing everyday anymore.

And I would've taken photos of the fish for evidence but I loathe my phone right now. All I want is the new iPhone  is that too much to ask?

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