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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Never could I ever get sick of this shit.

It's the love of my life

Uneventful day

-Woke up at 11. It felt soo good to sleep in.
-Read some of the Lovely Bones. I should've read the book first and then watched the movie. Mr. Harvey is so gross.
-Ate so much food and indulged in a very hot shower.
-Watched some of the Vietnamese soldiers in the Anzac Day parade.
-Tumblred/Blogspotted, and fuck Facebook, lol it's so boring these days.
-And I've been putting off homework this entire day so I should probably start soon.

What's the last thing you bought? Was it for you or someone else?

Last thing I bought was probably my formal dress for me myself and I.

Ask Ask Ask

Tuesday 24 April 2012

If I had all the money in the world..

I would seriously spend it all on this baby
Not bragging or anything but I have something on every weekend for the next 3 weeks

This week: Wedding
Next week: Melbourne High Senior Social. Hopefully I actually get to go this year. I hate listening to peoples hooking up stories the day after social when I wasn't there :(( Ahahhahah
Next Next week: Formal

LOL, it's about time my social life came back.

Cuddle weather

I'm actually loving this cold weather. Apart from the rain, I love heaters and warm drinks and knitted jumpers and cardigans and thick socks.

Formal update!

My partner is Cindy.
I went with her to find a dress and yes, I've found a dress!!!
It's red and now I just need to get all the other shit: heels, jewellery, clutch, makeup stuff.
I don't know what to do with my hair. Up or down? Straight or curled?
Formal is in 3 weeks.
I'm spending so much money, fml.

An interesting story about my dress. There was only size 6 and size 10. So I tried size 6 and it was so so tight, I could barely zip it up, but somehow I managed to, with Cindy's help. It was the first time I ever felt fat. I'll probably not eat allot on the formal day otherwise I will actually look pregnant in the dress since it's so tight. And there was a small rip on the hip which Cindy pointed out, and we both thought that I had made the rip... which I hadn't. It was already there which was why it was half price. But I bought it anyways since mum said the rip could easily be fixed ^_____^

VIETNAM 2012!!!!!!!

On the planee

Ft. someones armpit..

Okay so this trip was extremely unexpected. My Grandpa passed away on Good Friday on the holidays and we managed to get tickets on Saturday night. I had fucking work until 9 so I didn't get to pack until then. We flew on Sunday and I was quite excited but nervous since I hadn't been to Vietnam in so long! The plane ride was really good, I loved the "tv in the seat" and ended up watching like half of the movies on it. I should've packed heaps of long pants because my legs were a favourite for all the mozzis. Everyone over there was so nice and welcoming, and even though it was awkward at the start, I soon grew closer to all my cousins through playing cards (with betting money) Hahah. I ate so many weird foods like rat, snake and frog... They honestly all tasted like chicken. I went to my Grandpa's funeral, which we travelled to by this long boat and also motorbikes. Which makes me want a boyfriend who owns a motorbike. It was SO HOT over there. Like 30+ degrees every day which was probably the reason why I started to get pimply :(( So I didn't take many photos apart from the last day and the first day LOL. Going to Vietnam makes me feel so fucking lucky to live in Australia, because some of the people were fascinated by the things that we find so normal, like laptops and ipods. My cousins were addicted to playing bubble trouble on Julia's laptop. HAHHAHA, but I had the best time and apparently we're going again in September holidays!!!


Okay, sorry for being away so long. Ever since I came back from Vietnam all I've been doing is trying to catch up with all this work, so I've been soo busy. But thank god for Anzac Day!!

Friday 6 April 2012


Hope everyone is having a happy Easter!!

And I'm seriously dreading work tomorrow since it's Easter Saturday and customers will be going crazy over mah bunz.

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd

Met up with everyone at MC. Shopped around and tried to feel korean. Surprisingly I didn't buy any clothes or anything from the Face Shop. Visited Lisa at my soon-to-be-new-work-place, The Original Lolly Store!! I didn't even know that there was one at MC. Anyways me and Thao then spontaneously got some new piercings and then she introed us to her current lover (oooooo scandalous). She left us to go on her semi romantic date, so me and Cindy went to this Korean grocery store to get this addictive packeted seaweed. Went to Bourke St. then went back to the grocery store to get more seaweed. We then bought 11 dollars worth of frozen yoghurt and went back to meet up with Thao. Took the Craigieburn line back to Lisa's then randomly saw Thao (different Thao LOL). She drove us from the train station back to Lisas house and that's where we watched a whole shitload of Korean music videos and dramas. Laughed at each other when we had some facial masks on and slept in the living room on the floor which made me crave for a back massage afterwards.

Had work from 5-8pm and was actually so drained. SO glad that I'm quitting soon.

Regretting that I didn't take better photos :((

Sunday 1 April 2012

So I'm so sick of everyone and everything. Which is why I've decided to officially delete this blog. Thanks to anyone who has took the time to read my ramblings. xx

Expected more

It was the first weekend of holidays but I didn't really get up to much. Which makes me feel quite shitty because I would've liked to do more. 2 weeks can go by soo fast so I really/seriously/definitely need to make the most of it. Yesterday was vietschool, and Pete offered to buy us pizza since it was the last week!! It legit took like 30 minutes for him to make the actual order because he has a fob accent and the guy on the other line had an indian accent. AHAHHAHAHA, then I went home to get ready for a party at St Albans (lol family partiez rocKk!!). We got there really early so we stayed in the car for a bit. It was the first time that I'd been to their house, and they had a really hot son who brought his friends over later in the night for some drinks. Hopefully next time I'll have the balls to mingle.

The next day I woke up with a swollen red eye. Omg it was so fucking disgusting and my parents wouldn't let me stay at home because we'd already paid for my tutor. So I tried to avoid eye contact with people during the morning. I did surprisingly well on my Methods test but it was probably because I got some of the answers off my notes hehe. And for the rest of the day I somehow managed to waste my time doing absolutely nothing.
Normally, at this time I'd be stressing over my homework that I've crammed till the last minute. I'd be getting my bag ready for school and my uniform. I'd be sleeping early and not on my laptop.

Holidays feels so fucking good.