About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Possibly one of the greatest dance scenes ever

I will die happy if I learn this dance omg

Monday 25 March 2013

I knew it

So in biology class I was sitting next to this girl and she had a really bad cold and was coughing everywhere. Even though she did cover her mouth I could just tell that I'd probably catch something from her. And 2 days later I did. So now I'm stuck with this bitch of a sore throat. Its killing me. Because you know when your throat hurts but a really good song comes on  and you want to sing along but you can't? Well yeah it sucks.

3 more days

And I'll be able to relax fo real. To do list:

  • Sleepover at Lisas
  • Lauras 18th
  • Study and basically catch up with every subject
  • Go to the gym regularly
  • Catch up with the amigos
  • Finally see my loser
  • Sell my old clothes at a market
  • Go to the night market (is that still on?)
  • Sleep
  • Walking Dead
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Sleep

H8 u

Why do you have to be such a controlling and scheming person. Why do you not trust me even the slightest. I feel like I'm being treated as a 10 year old, and I seriously don't think that you'll ever stop treating me this way. It just sickens me to think that you would go to those extreme lengths just to try and catch me lying to you. Do you not believe a single word that comes out of my mouth? If I was going to go see a fucking boy then I'd make it so you'd never find out. At this rate, I am considering moving out at 19 and I'm not even scared of having to look after myself or pay for everything because I would rather go through that then have to put up with your ridiculous standards and expectations. Look around you, this isn't the god damn dark ages anymore.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

And this movie looks so fucking good

  • James Franco as a drug dealing gangster
  • Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez gone bad lol

Would anyone like to spare me $150??!!!

I just want to see my homegurl perform is that too much to ask for?

Definition of perfection

Tuesday 19 March 2013


Omg I have actually been so obsessed with tori kellys cover of suit and tie wth!!!!!!!!!!!! And I had her pyt cover and thinking about you on repeat for like the longest time. (Soz I didn't know how to comment so I made a post instead LOL, sorry if I sound overly excited xo)

Monday 18 March 2013


Omg so I had finished typing up my Viet essay. For all you viet people you would know how long that would take with all the punctuation shit. Why the fuck did my viet teacher even want it typed up. Anywho so I was waiting for dad to look over it for any mistakes, and while waiting I decided to watch some youtube videos. My laptop then decides to happily freeze itself and then I legit waited for like half an hour for it to unfreeze but it didn't. So I panicked and took out my laptop battery (I should've used ctrl alt delete omg), and then everything was gone. Lyk if u cried~ lol.

No but seriously take a lesson from this and always save your work.

Friday 15 March 2013

More fabulous photos

 Chinese New years at china town


view from lisas crib


AHAHHAAHA omg... dead



Awkward macaroon that fell off

selfie of a selfie

burnt pancakes for breakfast

Chemistry shenanigans

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Is it sad to say that I had so much fun at goodlyf?

Lol, I think every week should have a long weekend. And I told myself that I would study and study and study on that weekend, but I did anything and everything except study. Ended up in Werribee beach on Sunday because the parents wanted to catch abalone. And then attempted to go to moomba but met up with some other sluts instead because it was way too hot. I have my chem sac tomorrow and idk why but I'm not as stressed as I should be. I also have 4 mother fucking sacs next week for english methods bio and viet omg holy lord. Praying for myself that I can get by next week because it's actually so soon until holidays!!

Todays weather was the most amazing thing and it made me real happy :)))))))))))))))))))))) Also aviciis song I could be the one makes me even more happy. And here are a few happy snaps.

gal pals

Im on a boat

Some slut and all his friends

Makes me laugh lawl, grandpa aaron

Thursday 7 March 2013

Did I mention

I'll also be seeing Avicii tomorrow and omg all you guys have to check out his music video. It actually made me laugh so much and just happy and excited and young wild n free~~ P.s. It made me re-evaluate my career choices in the future. I don't want to be stuck doing something I hate for the rest of my life. But unfortunately I can't help it because of my shitty asian parents. But for all you other young people out there, do something that you love and that you're passionate about, do it for yoself bcoz its ur lyf gurlfwenn!! xxxx
Watch the video until the very very end!!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

I've neglected blogging for way too long

What is up my sluts n hoes??!!!!

Just a few things, so school has been great. I had my first Bio sac last week and I'm not sure how I went but I was just glad it's over. I have plenty of sacs coming up though, someone kill me. I'm actually enjoying this year, but I find myself being more tired especially in the mornings. So I've been trying to sleep earlier but it hasn't been working out too well.

My social life...... is nonexisent. Apart from this Friday which is when I'll be seeing my babe Steve Aoki holy fuck I can't believe it's this week. Great excuse to go buy a new outfit. And what has been up with this constant 30 degree+ weather? I'm extremely looking forward to cold weather because its a chance for me and my babe methods to snuggle in bed ^^

My skin has been absolute shit (lyk im talkin pimplez on top of pimplez, okay that was a lie) but I've gotten to the point where I actually don't care anymore. And normally I would, but I guess it's that effect that year 12 has on you. Where you just don't give a shit what you look like. But having said all that, mum still made me go to the doctors and they gave me some prescribed cream and tablets which should hopefully clear up my skin, preferably in time for Friday omg. My hair has been growing, and I swear to god that I will never cut it ever again. I just want it long for formal :'((((((((

I started a new tv series. I know it isn't the best time but I actually could not help it. Thao had recommended it ages ago and then one of the Turoczis showed me an episode and that's when I fell in love. If you're into horror and zombies and gore then this is the series for you! It's called The Walking Dead, and it's actually so so fucking good.

I think I've been shopping less frequently, but when I do then I end up buying a whole load of crap. My wardrobe has officially run out of space and so I'm hoping we find a new house soon so I can get my own room. But my parents are actually so picky when choosing houses so I doubt it'll happen sometime in this decade lol.

I'll probably make a photo post within this week when I have time so stay tuned n stay safe xoxoxo