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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 31 October 2014

4am rants

So my pay came in on Sunday and it's basically all gone now because I paid Robert for my asot ticket and Lily for Queensland. I might ask mum to get me John Legend tickets for Dom and I (as a christmas present) because I want to go but have no money HAHAH #povostats. Also need to start saving up for this Queensland trip and should probably tell dad about it as well...

I'm probably most fucked for the Data Analysis exam, then Psych, then Chem and Bio. Dreading for the day results come out tbh. I'm so keen to move houses already but mum and dad are still in the process of finding a house. I'm just so fkn sick of Sunshine and need a fresh new start. I miss Richmond so much and how it was close to all the shopping and restaurants and Citizens Park and Chapel St n Bridge Rd n Vic St. and Vic Gardens!!!!!!! So much nostalgia for Richmond rn i can't deal.

I don't feel close to some ppl as I used to be and it makes me so sed. I know with time things change n ppl change but it feels like I'm missing something cause we were all so so close and we'd do anything for each other and always back each other up. But sry u broke mi trust n idk if it'll eva be back to normal agen #deep I think I need to meet new people create new fre$h friendships and just enjoy lyf ya feel

I'm so proud of my sister, she's going to be college captain for MGC in 2015. I'm so happy that she's grabbing all these opportunities and she seems so determined to have a worthwhile high school experience (which was the complete opposite of me LOL). Sometimes it feels as if she's the only one who understands me and it's taken me so long to appreciate having a sibling like her. She keeps me grounded and tells me off at times for immature behaviour HAHAH legit I think I was supposed to be the younger sister. ily sis

Not sure if other people have experienced this as well, but when getting into a relationship do you feel yourself changing? Whether it be just the way you talk or dress or the amount of effort you put into things that once mattered to you. I can't tell if I'm a different Jen now as compared to the Jen at the beginning of the year, but the fact that I could be changing is pretty scary :(

ok should probably sleep now goodnight y'all xoxoxoox

Monday 27 October 2014


Go here to:
  • Eat the best fish and chips ever 
  • Relax 
  • Breathe 

Check out the vlog here

Sunday 26 October 2014

Artist Appreciation #2 : JP Cooper

Found out about this guy from the youtube channel JacksGap, and they do a segment called shed sessions where they introduce musicians and they perform and JP Cooper is so fkn amazing omg. He reminds me of Allen Stone but more refined and has a less rustic sound. (Also if u don't know who Allen Stone is pls check him out!!!!!)

https://soundcloud.com/jpcoopermusic (I rly like the song satellite and iLL BLU)

^ And dis be allen stone :3

Friday 17 October 2014

#WANTS #NEEDS (majority of these r shoes lmao)

Liberated Heart halter necks and disco shorts

Adidas jacket


nike sports bra
Daily look halter
Lucy in the Sky bralette 
Kylie Jenners lip colour 
All black nike huaraches

Delayed Cocktail Night Post

I was expecting this night to be good because Asean events never fail to be fun and exciting! And also because AA ball was a let down so I'd hoped for this to satisfy my mid sem break. So Uyen came to my house then we got ready and Dad drove us to Blue Diamond bar. We bumped into Thaobao as soon as we arrived and then got our tickets off Charlie (Tony). As soon as I walked in I loved the vibes. There was classy vibes and laid-back vibes n basically the ambiance of the whole place was on point. We had a couple shots because of the free drink cards and took plenty of photos in the photo booth, on professional cameras and also our phones. The live performances were rly good, but the best one was done by Kevin Ta (girls get @ him). The dj also played really good songs and the view of the city from the bar was soooo gorg. I liked that it was a smaller number of people so you were able to socialise more with bitches instead of just saying hi and bye.

Artist Appreciation: Jhene Aiko

Thnx to Jesse for tweeting about her because I then went onto spotify and searched her up and she actually has such a chill and sassy vibe to her songs. Her nationality as also so fkn exotic, african american and japanese lyk wtf. Check out her Souled Out and Sail out albums!!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Ball so hard

On the 28th of September was AA ball and in the morning I was picked up by Lily and we headed to her Grandparents house in north side. Her family was all so lovely and welcoming, and the food was delish. We chilled for a while until we headed to the train station and soon met up with Mk and Jeff. We were in Richmond so shopped around for a few last minute things and then we drove to Southbank to check into our apartment. I'm so glad it was only a short walk from crown which saved us taxi money. It was also conveniently a 2 minute walk from Maccas! The room was pretty decent and I felt bad for Thaobao since they had to sleep in the living room (u guys get a whole room to urselves nek tym i promise!!!!!). So began the process of getting ready, I had no idea what to do with my hair so I ended up just leaving it straight and swept to the side. Dom came afterwards as well as Thaobao and we then took photos and had predranksss. I'm sad I didn't drink more because I was mainly sober the whole night, but it was alright because then I didn't look munted in photos.

We got to crown at around 7:30 because that was apparently when it started? But we didn't get into the Palladium until 9 I think. Time is all a blur to me lmao. When we sat down our entrees had already been served so we were all trying to eat it quickly before they took it away (hence Lily ate someone else's serving ehehehhahhahaha). Some dancing was done and tbh the d'floor was actually so empty compared to Asean. It's bad that I'm comparing these 2 balls but honestly AA ball was terrible. The vibes weren't as great as Asean, and we were literally only there for 2 hours because people had to leave around 11ish so they could clean up. Another annoying factor was how $60 tickets were sold in order to pull more numbers, which is so unfair but in that way more people I knew were able to come! A positive thing is that the food was on point that night (especially the smoked salmon omg). Managed to take nice photos with everyone and then we headed back to the apartment to chill. I was keen to go to the after party at the start but now I'm glad I didn't because from asking other people, apparently the Ap was also shit lel. I hope dombrahz had a good birthday because I feel like I spoilt him. He bought me nuggets at like 2am because we were both hungry, and the morning after we all went for yumcha at highpoint. Overall it was a nice night spent with the best people, it just couldn't compare to asean balls.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Current favourites

Hello ppl

I suddenly had a spark of motivation to blog after reading Uyen's new (serious) blog which u can stalk here. My last post was from the 25th of August and I'm only going to go into little detail about some exciting things that have happened since then!

-Semester 2 for uni started (and is also now almost coming to an end) and I was so incredibly motivated at the beginning. But of course all of that motivation has died now and instead of doing my Data Assignment, Chem preprac, Bio postprac, Bio ILT and Data quiz I am here making this post. #priorities I don't even know if I really enjoy the course I'm doing and if I'm making a mistake by going to Melb uni. I'm terrified of failing subjects again this semester but also can't bring myself to study consistently and productively to do well in exams?!!??!! Like srsly wtf is wrong with me lol I find these Daria photos so relatable (should I just drop out and do something that I'm genuinely passionate about?!?! ffs)

-Asean Paint Party: It was rly fun, gud vibes even tho not many people were there and they had no paint or foam. Gotta admit AA paint party was much better.

-Ultra-fucking-glow: So far it's been the best thing that I've been to this year and I'm so glad that I decided to go because I got to dance and have a goot tym. The environment was pretty bad tho, I literally felt like I was the only one sober. But yeah it made me so excited for upcoming events Stereo!!!!!!! Above & Beyond!!@@@#@#@!!!! Hard Kandy Boat Cruise!!!!!!!!!! End of Exams!!!!!!

-Now looking back, August was actually a rly good month, I had something on every weekend. Which is also bad because did not study and my bank account did not save up enough for AA ball. 
Hieu's bday was a gr8 night. I didn't expect to drink that much but I did. I didn't expect to munt but I did. Pretty much a lot of bitches were drunk that night and I got grounded afterwards (apparently for 6 months), but that clearly didn't happen. 

my babies

-Brian and Tiffs birthday was hands down the most disgusting party I've ever been to. I didn't have as much fun as I did at Hieu's. Maybe because I didn't drink that much. But yeah queen of ratchetness award goes to Uyen that night!!!! LMAO

lover number 2 #kiddingnotkidding 
-Cindys 20th was a chill but nice night because I got to see BSC, some of which I hadn't seen in sooo long. We ate at Red Silks which is where we go annually for dinner (it's tradition i think), but I'm starting to get sick of it, yet I will never ever get sick of this sizzling tofu dish that they serve there. Everyone please go try it because it's the best thing ever and melts in ur mouth and talking about it is making me salivate right now fk. We went back to Lisa's house and Cindy and I learnt how to shuffle, Rob actually taught us really well and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Now I just need to learn how to shuffle to a hard style beat and my body will be effing ready for #stereo2014 and #defqon2015. Oh and btw fk all of u who went to defqon, especially the lgs that went hahahahahaha.

-JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. This was my very first concert and I'm so glad I lost my concert-ginity to JT because his performance was absolutely fucking flawless and amazing and omg. I had so many feels when he sang What goes around comes around (acoustic version) and also Señorita omg. I wish I had more space on my phone because I would've recorded so much more of the night. 

Light show was amazing as well lel not sure if trance event or JT


- Other random updates, I need an xmas casual job so bad but I can't be bothered applying. I need to learn how to drive lol. I don't know wat I'm going to do when Dom leaves for 2 months for Vietnam during Christmas, New Years and also the most important day of the year (my birthday) ffs. I'm moving houses again soon and I seriously wish my parents would just pick up the balls to buy a house instead of constantly renting and being kicked out and having to find new houses #pmo. On a brighter side I hope we move closer to the city or closer to Springy lol no ragrets. Because tbh kind of getting sick of this 1.5 hr journey every time to see ma boy. I've fucking gained 4 kilos which makes me above 50 kilos. I've never been over 47 in my whole life so this is a a massive wake up call for me. I'll be starting gym ASAP as well as watching what I eat. I know some ppl will say "no ur already skinny u don't need to gym" but idc because I want to be toned for summer. And I also need to shred for stereo lmao. Seprate posts coming soon for AA ball and cocktail night. Stay tuned bitches xoxoxooxxooxox I've missed blogging :3