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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Thursday 9 October 2014

Ball so hard

On the 28th of September was AA ball and in the morning I was picked up by Lily and we headed to her Grandparents house in north side. Her family was all so lovely and welcoming, and the food was delish. We chilled for a while until we headed to the train station and soon met up with Mk and Jeff. We were in Richmond so shopped around for a few last minute things and then we drove to Southbank to check into our apartment. I'm so glad it was only a short walk from crown which saved us taxi money. It was also conveniently a 2 minute walk from Maccas! The room was pretty decent and I felt bad for Thaobao since they had to sleep in the living room (u guys get a whole room to urselves nek tym i promise!!!!!). So began the process of getting ready, I had no idea what to do with my hair so I ended up just leaving it straight and swept to the side. Dom came afterwards as well as Thaobao and we then took photos and had predranksss. I'm sad I didn't drink more because I was mainly sober the whole night, but it was alright because then I didn't look munted in photos.

We got to crown at around 7:30 because that was apparently when it started? But we didn't get into the Palladium until 9 I think. Time is all a blur to me lmao. When we sat down our entrees had already been served so we were all trying to eat it quickly before they took it away (hence Lily ate someone else's serving ehehehhahhahaha). Some dancing was done and tbh the d'floor was actually so empty compared to Asean. It's bad that I'm comparing these 2 balls but honestly AA ball was terrible. The vibes weren't as great as Asean, and we were literally only there for 2 hours because people had to leave around 11ish so they could clean up. Another annoying factor was how $60 tickets were sold in order to pull more numbers, which is so unfair but in that way more people I knew were able to come! A positive thing is that the food was on point that night (especially the smoked salmon omg). Managed to take nice photos with everyone and then we headed back to the apartment to chill. I was keen to go to the after party at the start but now I'm glad I didn't because from asking other people, apparently the Ap was also shit lel. I hope dombrahz had a good birthday because I feel like I spoilt him. He bought me nuggets at like 2am because we were both hungry, and the morning after we all went for yumcha at highpoint. Overall it was a nice night spent with the best people, it just couldn't compare to asean balls.

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