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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Friday 31 October 2014

4am rants

So my pay came in on Sunday and it's basically all gone now because I paid Robert for my asot ticket and Lily for Queensland. I might ask mum to get me John Legend tickets for Dom and I (as a christmas present) because I want to go but have no money HAHAH #povostats. Also need to start saving up for this Queensland trip and should probably tell dad about it as well...

I'm probably most fucked for the Data Analysis exam, then Psych, then Chem and Bio. Dreading for the day results come out tbh. I'm so keen to move houses already but mum and dad are still in the process of finding a house. I'm just so fkn sick of Sunshine and need a fresh new start. I miss Richmond so much and how it was close to all the shopping and restaurants and Citizens Park and Chapel St n Bridge Rd n Vic St. and Vic Gardens!!!!!!! So much nostalgia for Richmond rn i can't deal.

I don't feel close to some ppl as I used to be and it makes me so sed. I know with time things change n ppl change but it feels like I'm missing something cause we were all so so close and we'd do anything for each other and always back each other up. But sry u broke mi trust n idk if it'll eva be back to normal agen #deep I think I need to meet new people create new fre$h friendships and just enjoy lyf ya feel

I'm so proud of my sister, she's going to be college captain for MGC in 2015. I'm so happy that she's grabbing all these opportunities and she seems so determined to have a worthwhile high school experience (which was the complete opposite of me LOL). Sometimes it feels as if she's the only one who understands me and it's taken me so long to appreciate having a sibling like her. She keeps me grounded and tells me off at times for immature behaviour HAHAH legit I think I was supposed to be the younger sister. ily sis

Not sure if other people have experienced this as well, but when getting into a relationship do you feel yourself changing? Whether it be just the way you talk or dress or the amount of effort you put into things that once mattered to you. I can't tell if I'm a different Jen now as compared to the Jen at the beginning of the year, but the fact that I could be changing is pretty scary :(

ok should probably sleep now goodnight y'all xoxoxoox

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