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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Thursday 20 November 2014


Wednesday (The day I finished my last exam)
Headed into the city after the disgusting Chem exam and commenced doing my makeup in the upper level food court toilets in mc. And srsly girls if you're ever pushed for time just do ur makeup in those toilets because they have massive mirrors and pretty decent lighting, and no one judges u :) Uyen and Lil came soon after and then we headed to night market. There wasn't many people when we got there which was good because we didn't have to line up for the food. Strong summer vibes were felt and I ordered the seafood paella (don't get it, not worth the $12), Dutch pancakes (would recommend) and grilled pork belly which was alright but had no interesting flavours or seasoning. Also bought 2 novels which I have yet to start reading but I'm really excited because I actually have the time now.

Went to see Dom since we hadn't seen each other for ages due to exams. Missed dat fgt. We watched Annabelle and then went to dinner with his fam at Dandenong Pavillion. If you're going book beforehand so you don't have to wait!! We waited ages for the food to come out as well but the meal was really good, especially the mashed potatoes omfg.

Lisa came over and we chilled for a couple hours, she waited for me to do my makeup which took a while... Hahahah and then mum drove us to St Albans for Michael and Peters 18th+19th. It was terrible weather for a bbq so I didn't eat much and went straight to drinking fml. I managed to have around 10 shots without feeling dead which was rly surprising. Met new ppl, got munted on etc. Everyone was so drunk but it was fun nevertheless. 

Did absolutely nothing apart from binge watching Breaking Bad and a korean drama called Liar Game (everyone get awn it). 

Met up with Lil and Mk at mc and happened to bump into sean da sheep. We all need to catch up soon omg miss everyone so much. We then got some maccas and bought Bao a cake for his early surprise birthday celebration. Met thaobao at the noodle market and I absolutely loved the atmosphere. It was perfect weather and there was so many people and food stalls. The lines were too fkn long for the food and the messina gelato was way too sweet. Had fun tho and watching the scenery change from day to night was soooo nice. #goodvibes #goodppl



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