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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Sunday 9 February 2014


So there was a lot of stress leading up to the party. Firstly because I only decided like 2 weeks before that I was actually making it, I would've liked to give people like a month notice rather then 2 weeks. Secondly the fucking weather omg. The whole of summer had been decently nice and then of course the week leading up to my party it decided to be 40+ degrees every day :( I did consider changing it from friday to saturday but another girl from my school had already made her 18th on that day. Anywho, the weather really slowed down the party organising process, all the food shopping and preparations were done like in the late afternoon. Somehow everything came together and on the Friday was also when preferences came out, so that also took up a couple hours of my "getting ready" time since the vtac website wasn't working. I opted to go on The Age website where you search for your initials or postcode and it did come up with the initials J.P L which made me happy but also think what if theres another person in my suburb with those initials.

So I didn't celebrate yet, and left to go get some more last minute items while feeling incredibly sick in the stomach. I was actually scared shitless about not getting my offer. But then I got a notif from my phone and it was an email from melb uni and that was when I cried and died and I literally remember being the happiest girl alivee. My mum started laughing and crying and that's when I decided that I'd have a fucking good night since there was no more worries Lol. Getting home I told my Dad and sister and they were also really happy for me. I started getting ready at around 5ish which wasn't a good idea because the djs came and I had so many other things to organise. It was also at this time where I thought :
-The weather is still too hot for people to party
-What if no one comes
-What if I don't have enough alcohol (lol)

I remember not having like an amazing time on the night since there was just so many things to worry about. Gatecrashers came but they ended up being really good and didn't cause anything, probably just wanted to meet new lgs hahaha. On the night I also was too busy doing god knows what and when looking at the time it was like already 9ish or something and I hadn't even brought out the drinks yet (lol gud 1). Thankfully it cooled down during the night and so glad that people came but not glad that some left way early to go clubbing lmao u club rats.

Lastly some advice for people, if you're planning to make a birthday party then just do urself a favour and don't. HAHAHA just kidding make it but invite me pls.

dat shoulder grasp

my hunnies

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