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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 15 July 2013

So much to blog about so little time

Herro everyone!
How were all you holidays?! (I'm talking as iff there's people reading this lol). But I basically had a pretty chilled holidays, went out a couple times but mainly stayed home and lounged around being lazy and "doing homework". Kicking myself now because I actually have a shitload to do, I'm like a chapter behind in methods omg. But here's what I did in chronological order!!

Natalie and Josh's birthday Sat 29th June
  • went to a fam friends house for a bit
  • then got driven to a hall in fkn tullamarine 
  • expected the party to be better, because people didn't start arriving until 9/10pm
  • was basically my first time going to a wog party and I didn't really enjoy it
  • bangers was played nonstop 
  • best part was when the pizza came lol
  • and i really don't appreciate you re-uploading my whole album from the party and not even giving me and julia any credit. fuq u and i'm neva gon' do shit 4 u agen.


Thao comin ova Sunday 30th June
  • Remember waking up and then editing the photos from saturday
  • Then Thao came over yay! Feels like we hardly get to see each other now and even when we do it's still not enough (so cheesy but idc)
  • Made migoreng and watched Haunting in Connecticut. It wasn't that great honestly but storyline was unique
Monday 1st July
  • Think I stayed in bed most of the day hahah
  • Watched the movie Coach Carter 10/10 would definitely recommend!!!!, Channing is such a babe even when he's dressed all gangster
  • Watched Letters to Juliette because Thao had recommended it and it was so cute and romantic but then made me feel miserable when it was over
  • Watched the Hurt Locker and this was a pretty good movie also! 
Wednesday 3rd July
  • Went to my chem lecture which went for 7 hours........................................
  • It was pretty draining and the mans monotone voice did not help
  • Literally almost fell asleep at one point
 Hp date Thursday 4th July
  • Met up with Lisa and Phuong 
  • Went for a quick maccas run then headed to highpoint. Btw the macaroons at Maccas actually tasted nice!
  • Found out that my sluts (aka thao sean n anth) were coincidentally at hp as well 
  • Chilled with them for a bit then went to get my belly pierced HEHEHEAJHKJSHDKAJSDJ 
  • It was about fucking time I got it done and thanks to Lisa for paying for it ily xoxoxo
  • Had nandos 
  • ooooo and saw thaos new hair! Gurl you can defs pass for a korean now
just chillin in supre

u go gurl

April and Johns costume party Saturday 6th July
  • Went to a fam friends house 
  • Then was driven to John's house
  • Drink drank drunk
  • Never touching Smirnoff again
  • Was so good seeing and meeting new gurls n guys
  • Music was fab but was annoying because I missed out on almost half of the night
  • So glad my girl Val came heheehhe
  • Felt so nostalgic wearing my belly dancing clothes 
  • Got home and felt so shit that I didn't even wipe off my makeup omg so feral
  • John, how come you haven't accepted my tags 


City Monday 8th July
  • Actually did some solid work at state with val and julie
  • Then left to go get lunch at grill'd. Their salads are actually amazing.
  • Kazza and Eddie came after and it was really nice catching up and discussing our feelingz

TB warehouse sale Thursday 11th July
  • Woke up so early (dedicated shopper)
  • Was pretty flustered when I got there but it was a much more enjoyable experience this year because it was more organised and the warehouse was bigger. 
  • Mum said that I already had plenty of heels but that didn't stop me lawl
  • Anyone know where I can get a good pair of black boots/maybe even cutout boots for a reasonable price?! Cause their boots were still so overpriced

Puppy! Saturday 13th July
  • Parents were hosting a party so everyone was quite busy
  • A family friend randomly came and just gave us a puppy which is now my life and my baby
  • Love her so much but idk what to call her yet (pls give me suggestions because so far I have mufasa, fox and pedro HAHAHAH)


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