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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 14 May 2012

I need sleep now

I actually cannot be bothered posting anything, but I need to because I've been really lazy.
Formal was so amazing.

Yay group selfie

My formal gift



having too much fun

julies man

HAHAHAHHAH oh selin :)
-I had last period off on the Friday, so I got home and started getting ready at around 1. Did my own hair and makeup which took ageeeeeeessss.
-Went to Mels at 4:20 and waited for Bec. Got driven to Crown thanks to her lovely parents.
-Took a look at our room, and I am definitely going to book out a room in the future cause it's so fucking beautiful.
-Then I met up with Cindy at Flinders because the poor girl didn't know her way. LOOL, and the stupid taxi driver said that he couldn't drive me because it was really bad traffic, so I took a tram and so many randoms were staring at me.
-Got back to the hotel and introduced everyone to my date hehehe, then we all got on the maxi taxi. LOL Bec forgot her formal tickets so we had to go back. (we hadn't even left Crown and it already costed 20 dollars, what a scam). Turned out you didn't even need the formal tickets, cause no one checked for them.
-We excitedly got to the venue and it was soo packed in the waiting room. I walked around trying to find my fwenz cause I'd lost them. HAHAHAH then we went to our tables and got some drinks from the bar. Berry smoothie yum yum!
-The food wasn't that great. The entree was the best, ravioli pasta. But being the smart one, I decided to only eat half of it otherwise I'd look pregnant after eating the whole course. But the main meal and dessert ended up being really shit so I was still hungry.
-Danced around for the majority of the time. Felt sorry for Cindy because I kept dragging her along to dance with me. And we spent so long waiting to get our professional photos taken. 
-There were special awards and obviously me and Cindy won the cutest couple award
-Afterwards we stole a cab (hopefully you won't ever come across this), and headed back to Crown for our own afterparty!
-Played stacks on, photowhored, jumped around on the beds and photowhored some more.
-I got picked up at 1 and literally jumped into my bed when I got home.

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