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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Thursday 2 February 2012

Yesterdays' last day of freedom

Went to the National Gallery of Victoria as part of my Studio Arts holiday homework assignment, and looked at various Aboriginal art. There were some that were made of real human hair! Fucking gave me the creeps. Anyways it felt so relaxing in the gallery so I'm probably going to try visit many more art galleries in the future. Finally made a myki and it's actually easier to make and use than I thought. And apparently heaps of metcard machines are being removed from the city so myki's are the way to go. Then I went to eat korean food at a restaurant that Cindy showed me last time. I swear, every time I go eat Korean, I feel so refreshed and warm. Weird, I know but whatever. Then Julia and I (Forgot to mention that I was with Julia this whole time LOL), went to buy mum something because I've decided that every time I go out, I'm going to buy my mum at least one thing because I'm such an angel. We walked to State library afterwards where I attempted to finish my Bio and Chem homework. I only ended up finishing 3/4 of Bio and none of Chem. Haha. I almost didn't get recognised by some people because I was wearing kinda hobo clothes, had my hair in a bun and was wearing glasses.. But all in all, it was a refreshing day which prepared me for my hell hole of a school the following day.
I always say I'll take a proper photo of the food but I end up eating it and forgetting :(

Looks like shes got extensions!

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