About Me

My photo
Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 9 January 2012

First time doing one of these

  1. Height: 162 cm.
  2. Shoe Size: a sexy 7.
  3. Sexual Orientation: straighttt.
  4. Do you Smoke? ew no.
  5. Do you Drink? water only.
  6. Do you Take Drugs? god no.
  7. Age you get mistaken for: I've been mistaken for 18 once, LOL.
  8. Have Tattoos? nope.
  9. Want any tattoos? nope.
  10. Got any Piercings? yessshhhh.
  11. Want any piercings? I want my belly so fucking bad. And several other ear piercings too.
  12. Best friend? Thao Lam and Cindy Truong for out of school, Melissa Hua at school.
  13. Relationship status: single and ready to mingle.
  14. Biggest turn ons: Nice skin, good teeth and hair. Outgoing and FUNNY.
  15. Biggest turn offs: Smoking, smelling bad, cocky personality.
  16. Favorite Movie: Mean Girls, Koizora and can't think of anything else on the top of my head.
  17. I’ll love you if: you love me, hehee.
  18. Someone you miss: girls from MGC <3
  19. Most traumatic experience: While I was sleeping a giant cockroach crawled over my mouth. 
  20. A fact about your personality: I'm shy when you first meet me, but when we get to know each other I can be weird/random/hilarious/wild/crazy.
  21. What I hate most about myself: I can't gain weight. 
  22. What I love most about myself: Being able to eat anything without becoming fat.
  23. What I want to be when I get older: Psychologist/Optometrist or something to do with fashion.
  24. My relationship with my sibling(s): Well according to Thao, I have an incestuous relationship with my younger sister. Which of course isn't true.
  25. My relationship with my parents: Love my mum forever, not so much my dad.
  26. My idea of a perfect date: Something simple but romantic, eg. a picnic, theme park, stroll on the beach (like in korean dramas LOOL).
  27. My biggest pet peeves: What's a pet peeve?
  28. A description of the girl/boy I like: He's tall. Has an amazing smile. Is extremely talented. And his name is Kim Hyun Joong.
  29. A description of the person I dislike the most: I love everybodyyy.
  30. A reason I’ve lied to a friend: I've lied too many times to either protect you or not make the situation worse. Or just for the LOLZ.
  31. What I hate the most about school: Teachers, students, classrooms, work.
  32. What my last text message says: "Too tired from work :P"
  33. What words upset me the most: There's no more food.
  34. What words make me the best about myself: This question doesn't even make sense.
  35. A wish that I’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: That I had all the money in the world, That I'd find my soul mate.
  36. What I find attractive in girls. Confident, kind, not caked in makeup, inspiring and unique sense of style.
  37. Where I would like to live. Seoul, South Korea or somewhere exotic like Hawaii or Fiji.
  38. One of my insecurities. My smile and my chest.
  39. My childhood career choice. A famous singer HAHAHA.
  40. My favorite ice cream. Cookies and Cream.
  41. Who I wish I could be. Miley Cyrus because you get the best of both worlds :3
  42. Where I want to be right now. LA, or Vietnam.
  43. The last thing I ate. KFC's potato and gravy YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
  44. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately. myself.
  45. A random fact about anything. Dun hate meh cause U aint me

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