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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Monday 2 January 2012

Eyebags =_=

I've been doing some research on google, because I've been getting really ugly bags under my eyes. Even though I sleep for 10 hours+ every night I still get them, so I'm going to try some of these remedies to see if it helps!
Tea Bags
Tea (especially green tea and chamomile) has allot of health benefits and can also minimise the appearance of eye bags. Seep two tea bags in hot water for 1 or 2 minutes and then chill them in the fridge for 15-30 minutes. Once they are cold, you can place them on your eyes while you take a rest. Chamomile and green tea are ideal because they have calming effect and contain plenty of antioxidants.
Eye Masks
One thing that could make the swelling in your eyes disappear is by wearing a chilled eye mask over that area. The cold temperature will help lessen the bloating. However, if you do not have an eye mask, you can put a slice of chilled cucumber on each of your eyes. Cucumber has antioxidants that will help minimize the appearance of eye bags and, at the same time, improve the texture of the skin around your eyes.
Gentle Massages
Another trick that you can do to de-puff your eye bags is gently massaging the affected areas. Circular upward motion starting from the sides of the nose to the area right under the affected eye will help ease the swelling and encourage good blood circulation
"Place two teaspoons into the freezer for at least 30 minutes.  Remove them from the freezer and place each teaspoon onto each eyelid for about 5 to 10 minutes or until the swelling has lessened."
"For a more long term solution, sleep with your head elevated by pillows." (LOL, I never sleep on pillows)
"Avoid high consumption of water and sodium before bed time.  Water retention and salt intake incline the chances of causing your skin to swell."

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