About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 31 August 2011

The usual conversation

Mr Evans: Hey Jen, how are you?
Me: Im good
Mr Evans: Do you happen to have an older sister?
Me: Nope, I have a younger one
Mr Evans: Well my physio looks exactly like you. I'm not even joking
Me: Can you take a picture of her?
Mr Evans: *Laughs

LOL I was being serious. I plan to meet this sexy muthafkerrr

Monday 29 August 2011


"Lady Gaga came as a man, Nicki Minaj came as Lady Gaga and Jay-Z came in Beyonce"

Sunday 28 August 2011

Friday 26 August 2011

Spending this Friday night at home watching The Renovators and doing my Economics and Law assignment

I totally have a social life

The drink driving ads REALLY scare me

Drink and drive, you bloody idiot smart cunt.

My parents are too cute.

I come home from school today and I asked mum how her day was. And she tells me that she went fishing with Dad while I was at school. Okay, I got a little pissed because they didn't even invite me. It probably wasn't even that good without me (LOL) But this is probably one of the first times my parents have done something decently romantic together. Apparently they went somewhere underneath the Westgate bridge to do some fishing, and sadly they only caught a few shrimp. AHHAAH.

When I'm married to my amazingly good looking husband, and when we have 3 cute kids (2 girls, 1 boy) I plan to do at least one romantic thing with him every week.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Randomly looked back at my print screened photos and found this.

I swear..

Life would be so good if it didn't have the people that try to ruin all the good moments.

Stressed as.

I've recently been having so much assignments/exams/homework. I am stressing my fucking balls off. Currently I am finishing off my Bio poster assignment which is a pain in the bumhole. Then I need to finish a whole economics and law assignment. Both are due on Monday. Not to mention I have to go to Thao's house on Saturday, which means I can't do anything productive on that day because Thao is a massive annoying distraction.

Anyone want to volunteer and do my assignments for me? I'll pay you with my undying love.

Coles is releasing a clothing line?

Tym 2 do sum maj0r shoppingggggggzzzz.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Funny story at Melbourne Uni

Just randomly remembered this and started laughing crazily to myself like an idiot.LOL, okay when me and my friend Thao were in a library at the uni, we were looking around at the fascinating books and saw this girl sitting down studying. You could see her ass crack. Just saying, we are not perverted or anything. But it was just right in front of our faces. So afterwards we are trying to laugh silently seeing as it's a library, but I think that kinda failed because everyone was looking at us.

Dads Birfday on Thursday

And seeing as I am such a lovely and organised daughter, I went and bought him some CK cologne and a I <3 Dad mug from typo. Happy Birthday Appa :3

A quick tip.

Don't do economics. Don't do economics because you will die. Don't do economics in the missionary position, don't do economics standing up. Just don't do it.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Have I ever mentioned that I hate Mondays?

I hate Mondays.

Melbourne Uni/Heaven

Yeah, now I've realised how shitty highschool is compared to University. The open day has pushed me to study harder and get out of highschool as soon as possible. oooo and there was some pretty hot eye candy as well :3 And btw thao, please don't copy my outfit ever again.

Saturday 20 August 2011


It feeels so good to be home alone

I can do whateeeverrrrrrrrrrr I want. Eat like a pig. Sleep at whatever time. Walk around the house naked webcam wif boiz keh he he he he

Shopped today.

And it was amazing. I haven't bought any clothing in ages and when I bought some today it felt so satisfying and good and luscious and delicious and yeah. I could go without food but not without shopping.


my body is ready.

Friday 19 August 2011

Parents that cancel your plans.



The most awkward situation. EVER.

On Thursday, we had to present our solo music performances. And there's this Vietnamese fob girl in my class, and she sings a Vietnamese song for her performance. I'm the only other viet person in the room and it was so awkward because I could understand everything and other people couldn't.

Sunday 14 August 2011

The world would not be the same without The Big Bang Theory


So many things happening this week

Monday: Music and psych hw due (haven't done it)
Tuesday: English Essay and maths exercises due
Wednesday: Finish making pocahontas outfit
Thursday: DISNEY DAYYYYYY,Maths test and CCCC social. Deciding whether to crash or not
Friday: Go shopping for saturday
Saturday: Viet school and then birthday party
Sunday: Melb Uni open day

In such a shitty mood

Maybe because its Monday tomorrow..

Friday 12 August 2011

Disney Day next thursday- Princess Jasmine, Pocahontas or Alice in Wonderland??

Cant decide what to dress up as


I'm in such a good mood. At the start of this week I was feeling really yuck, but now I am so so so so happy. I think im getting mood swings, which means period soon. I sense it.

I dont know why..

But whenever I get new makeup I always end up being SOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOOSOSO excited. So recently I made friends with this international student in my class, and she came from china. She asked me if my hair colour was natural because she wanted to dye hers jet black, and we just started talking about beauty and makeup and girllyyy shittttt. I asked her how her skin is soo nice, because I swear she looks Korean. And she said she uses heaps of makeup stuff sent over from hong kong from her mum, and being the generous person that she is, she gave me a whole bag of stuff because she said she doesn't use them all. ISN'T SHE A CUTIE?? So now I'm thinking of taking her to asian shops around the city because she doesn't know where to buy good clothes at.

Tuesday 9 August 2011


So apparently, the people that are featured on your friends list on your Facebook profile are the ones that go on your profile the most. And today when I checked my Facebook, Pete Nguyen was featured on my friends list....

Monday 8 August 2011

People can change so fast.

Pysh sac tomorrow



Thanks to you i finally tried out chilli fries at soda rock and they are the most delicious things i have ever eaten in my life. I already wrote you an essay on facebook but i just wanna say I love you and will miss you so much. LOL jks, bitch buy me shit. Hope you make heaps of friends in America, get with amazing American men, eat fatty America food, go to school in casual clothes, and last but not least shop like crazy. Because you only have 6 months until you come back to australia where everything is overpriced and made in china.


Im finally on blogspot after an amazing weekend. So I went to vietschool like usual, and only a little bit of people came this week. It was extremely awkward as soon as i entered the room. Pete was funny as usual and we finished off a korean movie called the host.
So i got ready for julies afterschool and then i got a lift from mels dad <3 We helped out with setting up and when it actually started, we were dancing, screaming, grinding, drinking (water of course.) and heaps of other stuff. It was so funny to see peoples partying side. It was a fun night and met some new people and yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday 3 August 2011


-go to vietschool on saturday morning
-get ready for julies masqeuradeeeeee parteyyyyyyyyyy
-go to julies party early to help out. Im an amazing freind.
-leave around 9/10 and then go to lisas house/go home
-chill, sleeep
-wake up and study for psych sac on monday :(
-get read for lilys farewell dinner
-go to lilys dinner, EATTTTTTT
-come back and study more/facebook/tumblr/msn

Monday 1 August 2011

A month until 2011 melbourne show

Now that was quick. I remember at last years melbourne show I still had a straight fringe and we went when it was pouring.

I know that I've mentioned that I hate summer

But seriously, I am craving some sun atm. I miss going to the beach, wearing short shorts and havianas, licking an ice cream, late sunsets, sunglasssssssesssssss, the list is endless.

여우비 (Fox Rain) (Acoustic Ver.)

Song from gumiho that I'm listening to at the moment because I wish my life was a korean drama.
After this, I'm going to take a nice long hot shower (30 mins+) HAHAHAH and then attempt my homework and have a nice long talk with the lezboz.