About Me

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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 27 July 2011

I'm going to make this mask for a friends masquerade party :3

Just had a meeting for all year 10's about VCE

And I'm excited but scared. The talk of ATAR scores and subject choices is freaking me out. I don't want to be stressed next year and the year after that. I'm still young and I want to enjoy life. I don't want to spend all my time studying and doing exams.

The Renovators.

I've never been into building and reconstruction shows but this show is actually addictive. It's so intense and exciting and ARGHHHHHHHHH

Monday 25 July 2011


I woke up this morning and found that I had puffy eyes which was because I spent the whole of Sunday finishing Secret Garden and mann it was intense/sad/soo dramatic/romantic/akdhasodhasoijsaj. I swear, in episode 17, I cried in every single part. LOL.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Wish List-Ukelele


After Vietschool today I asked my parents if I could get them done at Thao Nguyen because I just found out that they do piercings. And apparently 15 years ago I got my very first piercings at Thao Nguyen. So knowing me, I was freaking out. My sister went first, cause she wanted hers done too. And she was all chill about it crying like a baby. LOL jks. When I had mine done, it actually hurt more than what I expected it to be, but it wasn't that bad.
And don't judge me just cause I got an extra piercing. I wanted to fit in with the hks

Friday 22 July 2011

SO awkward

When a sex scene comes up when you're watching something with your parents.

What do I do on friday nights?

-watch Korean dramas while eating ice cream and crying about my sad life.
-getting ready for viet school/party
-Facebook, even though everyone's probably out drinking.

I don't even know why I look forward to fridays, LOL

Found work experience!

Okay so I know it's a bit late, but I finally found it. I'm doing it at this asian pharmacy on Victoria St called Thao Nguyen. Surprisingly they were really chill about it, but it was SO awkward. Okay, my dad walks in and starts talking to the lady in Viet about work experience and then I see these Mgc year 9 girls looking at me like im some international student or something. They were getting their ear piercings there which I didn't even know Thao Nguyen did (so I might go get my seconds done there), anyways my dad and that lady are talking and then she asks me whens a suitable date for the work experience. And obviously I had to respond to her in Vietnamese.

Have I mentioned that secret garden is amazing?

I dont think i have...
secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing secret garden is amazing

R.I.P Mr Baxter

On the Tuesday of this week, one of my teachers from MGC passed away due to a heart attack. At first this came as a massive shock to not only me but everyone else. I never had Mr Baxter as a proper teacher, he'd come in when we needed a sub. So I wasn't really close to him. He would go around scaring everyone with his "claw" tongs to pick up peoples rubbish and he would be always be the most enthusiastic in PE with one of his most famous games called Kill the Kids.

Mr Baxter was always enthusiastic and fun to be around. His presence would bring the mood up in the classroom and no one could have ever brought what he brought to the school. His was one of a kind with his retarded pinky :) I hope you are happy wherever you are and always remember that we love you and miss you.


Today I finally found out what it meant. And I could not be any happier because it describes what I am thinking right now. This week had gone so slow and I was so drained that I couldnt even be fucked going on Blogspot. Weekend here I come.

Sunday 17 July 2011

I miss the PussycatDolls

Am I the only one that's not a fan of Harry Potter?

I'm probably going to get death threats from Harry Potter fans about this post.


Don't get me wrong, he still looks amazing. But I prefer his black hair.

My parents are watching a Viet documentary.

I'm sure every Viet kid has seen or heard these documentaries. They always have the same voice of this lady and they always show yummy food. And to be honest, It's making me miss Vietnam. I haven't been since 2007..? LOL I can't even remember since it was so long ago.I.WANT.TO.GO.NOW

Yeah I'm not going to even talk about school...yeahhh..no.

This may be the most addictive site I have ever been on. Thanks thao lam.

The things im jealous of.

-pretty girls with no makeup
-rich people
-white kids
-Victoria Secret models
yeahh, basically I'm jealous of everyone.


Woke up damn early to go to Laverton market with the family. Drove almost 2 hours because we got lost since they closed down the main road and made a detour. When we got there I was pretty excited. I ate some yummy food and watched my parents buy tissues, baskets, pots and god knows what else. LOL. Then afterwards we drove to the bush where my friend is currently residing. Saw some kangaroos on the way there and some road kill. AHHAHA okay I was joking about the kangaroos, but not the roadkill.. We webcammed with some sexy people, laughed, watched the ring, took some photos of a sloth, listened to music, went for a maccas run, talked about our feelingz :3
Got home at 5am.

Okay I've met my match.

I've finally discovered my match in photowhoring. Dude, I bow down to you. And seriously I don't give a fuck if you take pictures on your own camera, but when you take it on mine. Shits gonna go down. LOL jks, but seriously, I'm not going to upload them on facebook because I'd rather send them to you privately. Please do yourself a favour and stop, because it's not attractive. I sound like a bitch, but I'm only saying this to help you.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Good day.

Today was actually one of the best days.
-I found my phone today at Savers which was where I originally lost it. If only I had gone there sooner instead of assuming that it was gone, which resulted in me using my the retro flip up Motorolla for a month!
-Bought new foundation
-Bought my favourite mascara that I had lost, and it was a fucking bargain. I sound so cheap.But seriously.
-Bought new eyeliner that was also a bargain
-Got a new knitted cardigan
-And I stayed up to 3am watching Secret Garden last night, which made me tired as fuck this morning but it was so worth it. OMG. Up to the bit where they swap bodies. ARGH.

Sunday 10 July 2011

One week of holidays is already gone.

It has honestly gone so fast and I can't help but think about my life when school starts again. I'm going to be bored, spending time with people I don't even like and learning stuff that isn't even relevant or helpful. YAY. This all means, that with the remaining week left, I have to do at least one productive or fun thing everyday so I don't feel like I've wasted my whole holidays doing nothing.


I have been changing it constantly, trying to make it look good. LOL, Blogspot should get better themes. Anyways I'm definitely going to keep this one for as long as possible.


ew, its cindy.
Hiding in the toilets after being hit on by the janitor.

Yesterday was good.

-earned 50 dollars
-got free food, and it was gooooooooooooooood
-got a free photoshoot
-got to see some amazing alright people..
-recorded and took photos for da LAWLZ

Monday 4 July 2011

I'm never satisfied with the way my blogspot looks :(


The last two days have been unproductive.

I've just been sitting on my ass on my laptop 24/7. Only leaving when I need to go to the toilet or get something to eat. I think I need to go out, get some fresh air, maybe do a little shopping since everything is on sale. Yeah, if only I had money :(


Can summer come back now?