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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Dear Parents

CALM THE FUCK DOWN.Okay recently there's been heaps of incidents in the news of young teenage girls going missing or being harassed. And by "heaps" I mean 2. Seeing as all my parents watch on tv is news, they're continuously getting more and more worried about my safety. (btw the girls on the news were both asian LOL)

1. Most news channels tend to exaggerate shit. Especially channel 9.
2. The girls were fucking 11 and 13. GUYS im 15 turning 16, I think i would know better to use my legs and either run or use my impulse and spray them in the eye or kick them in the male reproductive organ.
3. I have a phone.
4. I'm smart, so obviously if they were going to lure me into their white van with candy, I'd obviously take the candy and then run.

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