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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 23 March 2011

daily update on M@hH 3xC!t!nG L!f3

My Geo test is tomorrow, and it's about Asia. Funny because I'm asian and I don't know anything about it... BUT OMFG EXCITING NEWS, I GOT A B+ ON MY PSYCH SAC MEHHEHEHHEEH and i thought i was going to fail... Next time i am aiming for an A because i was only one percent off from getting one on my sac >:( EVEN MORE EXCITING NEWZZZ.When i was going home from school today I saw the new korean restaurant that opened on bridge road, FINALLYY!! because I've been looking everywhere for it and I could never find it. So when I'm not busy on the internet or homeworking I might go there for some k-food. YUMYUMYUYMYMUYMUYMUYM

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