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Richmond, VIC, Australia

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Possibly the longest post I have ever written.

Im gonna break down what I've been doing between August and exams even though half the time was spent away from civilisation. Just a warning that this post is very very very long.

Lisa and Phillips deb
Happened a while ago but the venue was really nice! It was fun getting dressed up and the food was also really good. I'd never been to a deb before so it was a fun experience and it was interesting to see teenage girls wear wedding dresses Hahhaha.

We got her from another family friend as a gift and she was around 6 weeks at the time. She is the most cutest adorablest thing eva and very fluffy hence her name. But shes an extremely picky eater which drains my life and in comparison to her other brothers and sisters she is very small in size. So I think we're bringing her to the vet soon to get her checked out. But shes really smart and has already learnt how to sit, lie down and roll over.

Dis was taken 2day

Edwinas 18th
I was extremely glad that this was near my house and the food was amazing (timorese satay skewers are so fucking yum everyone must try!!!) as well as spending time with my azns.

Always thirdwheelin

break it down gurl


Julias 16th hahah
Literally helped the little shit plan everything so she could have a party that "went off" lol. Lgs these days. Anywho it was quite stressful because I was trying to juggle studying with organising the party but then just ended up not even studying. Mum made her usual food which got many compliments and the chocolate fondue did not last long at all. Dj could've been better but I'm pretty proud of my sissy because when I was her age I defs could not have pulled off a massive party (due to havin now friends lol). And I think it was a massive fluke that the photos turned out decent.

im floating


Cindys 19th
My bae looked stunning and it was a fun night even though it was a small party. Remember it being extremely cold that night so I'm glad I wore a long maxi skirt. Hope you're enjoying the polaroid babycakes.


Muckup week and Valedictory
This was one of the best weeks that I've ever spent at Mgc. Actually I wouldn't call it a "week" because we only dressed up for three days. First there was Pigtails Friday which doesn't really count but it still made all the girls extremely excited and everyone had good vibes. Then it was Mexican Monday which was the day where 6935478800983 girls dressed up as Frida Kahlo. I realized why on earth would guys ever grow a mustache because I only had one on for half the day and it was the most irritating and itchy piece of shit. Afterwards it was Tropical Tuesday and unfortunately during the night while I was sleeping a bloody mosquito decided to bite my lip and when I woke up on the Tuesday morning the right side on my top lip was so puffy and swollen it was actually disgusting. And so mum told me to put ice on it and hope for the best. I decided to stay home and recover (hahahaha) because the day after was way more important. But around lunch the puffing had gone down a lot so I decided to come and dress up anyways for last period. The next day was Whatever you want Wednesday/Muckupday and I had slept over at Vals so we could get our costumes sorted together and head to school early so we could fuq shit upppp. We headed to Eddies place first for pres at 6am lol and then headed to school. We did try our best but I was a pussy because apparently they didn't let us muckup the school anymore and didn't allow students in the main building of the school. We still managed to put cereal in the sinks, "trash" the lockers, and put vaseline and sun-cream on the handrails and locks. Then there was a breakfast at a park near by for all year 12's and then it was our final year 12 assembly which actually was so fun.

Im going to start a new paragraph because it's getting insanely long. But I'm glad I bought the silly string and sprayed Julia at the assembly. After it was over my friends and I headed to the city and had TGI Fridays. The buffalo wing tacos were unusually sour, pls do not order it if you ever go there. Then Val and I headed back to her place and I got picked up to go home and get ready for Valedictory. I swear Mgc needs to sort their shit out because Valedictory and Muckup being on the same day was not a good idea and also Valedictory should've been held after exams like every other normal school. Getting ready for Valedictory was stressful as fuq because I was running late and ended up getting to the venue an hour late. Thankfully I didn't miss out on anything interesting. The food was wayyy better then at formal and also I had heaps more fun with my parents then at formal which I was not expecting! Basically Valedictory I found was a much more memorable night and the atmosphere was better instead of all the bitchiness at formz.

Fixin ma moe


year 11 study centre take dat

lub u guys

Andys 17th
Had a nice dinner at the cafe Tree of Us. The birthday boy came fashionably late Hahaha trust. I really liked the food because even though I thought 16 dollars for a burger was expensive, you got your moneys worth since it was SO filling. I could not finish the whole burger and actually felt kinda sick. But the smoothie was yum and the mood in the cafe was lovely.

English, I thought that I was pushed for time espescially for my language analysis. I literally had 5 minutes to write the conclusion so I think I did pretty shit for that piece. But for context and text response I think I did alright in. I had Biology the day after and lets just say I probably failed the exam omg I should not have left studying for the last minute. I checked my multiple choice answers on VCE solutions and I think I did good in those but for short answer omg..... My expectations of getting over 40 for Bio went down the drain lawl. Next I had Methods and I found exam 1 quite enjoyable but exam 2 of course had to fuq mi up. It was actually horrible and I srsly regret not doing further. Chemistry was after and this exam I enjoyed the most out of all my exams! I think if I had studied a little bit more and had not been so run down then I would've aced it. Then Viet was my last exam and I was terribly pushed for time because the listening and responding part I spent ages on and then realised I only had a small amount of time for the other two sections. I seriously don't know if I'll be able to cope the day results are released.

If you've managed to read this whole post then srsly pat yourself on the back. Soz for draining it but I wanted to blog about the stuff I'd done before blogging about future events. Holidays so far have been extremely chill. My sleeping pattern is all fucked because I've been sleeping at 2am and waking up at 1pm. But I'll talk about what I've done during the holidays so far in another post. xoxoxo