About Me

My photo
Richmond, VIC, Australia

Saturday 30 June 2012

In desperate need of leaving everything in Melbourne, and flying overseas to somewhere sunny like Hawaii to sunbake and meet new and refreshing people.
Life can actually be so amusing sometimes.

Friday 29 June 2012


Words cannot describe how excited I am for the new Big Brother.

One hour of my life well spent.

Started watching Community thanks to Lisa's brother since he gave me his hard drive with the 3 seasons on it and omg I can feel a new addiction coming along.

To do list

-Catch up with thao cindy etc. Ahahhaah
-Exercise, go for runs at citizens park
-Get my learners
-Hand out resumes to find a new job
-New ear piercing, perhaps a little stretcher
-Complete my mound of holiday homework
-Sleepover at Lisa's joint
-Bec and Lily's birthday
-Psych lecture
-Read The Hunger Games and fucking Macbeth
-Do something new to hair
-Gathering at Julies place
-Remind parents about braces
-And do something with the family

Determined to cross off all the things on this list.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Saturday 23 June 2012

My dad does this annoyingly weird thing where whenever he sees my phone or glasses lying around, he takes it and hides it to apparently "teach me a lesson". And then when I go looking for it, he pretends that he doesn't know where it is and then hands it back to me after I've gotten all pissy.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Basically me in a nutshell

Omg praise the lord

I have first and last period of tomorrow which means I get to have a nice sleep in and then come to school for only 2 periods!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Give me sweet things

  • Sweet tea
  • Biscuits
  • Choc chip cookies
  • Berry muffins loaded with berries
  • Doughnuts
  • Mandarins
  • Mangos
  • Melons
  • Apple and walnut scrolls from Bakers (lol bakers.)

Messed up

I remember reading this ages ago but then came across it again today, and it still mind fucked me.


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Grease themed casual clothes day.

Just an excuse to buy these.

Okay I ended up not buying them because I would've ended up with $0 in my bank account, so I satisfied myself with one of American Apparels high waisted skirts.
I've gotten all my exam results for my subjects apart from my 3/4, and I'm thinking maybe I should've tried slightly harder. I got 50-60% for my 1/2 subjects apart from Viet and English (lol Vietnamese is such a joke). I neglected my subjects to study for psych so hopefully I do well.

And I'm basically a loner in all my subjects except for English and Bio so I better do work and not get distracted.

Friday 15 June 2012

Considered making a new start to the end of term by finishing off unfinished exercises for Methods and reading ahead for Psych so I can ask heaps of questions in class. But I'd rather re-read the Hunger Games because it's even better the second time.

So dull and boring!!!

I expected the end of exams to be better than this. Instead, I've been staying at home watching catch up episodes of Masterchef, Modern Family and Being Lara Bingle. I seriously can't help it that my life is so exciting. On another exciting note, today my parents woke me up from what was meant to be my sleep in because we had a pupil free day at MGC, and they drove us to Maribyrnong river to do some fishing. We ended up catching about 20 starfish (im not even kidding) and one tiny as fish. It was a day well spent.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Apparently taking up an extracurricular activity helps you in VCE because it relieves stress and provides a break from all the other stress of school. So I was thinking maybe taking up netball again (lol I am so unfit its actually ridiculous) or maybe do some singing lessons but outside of school.

Some problems with wanting to do these:
-It costs money
-No netball team would probably accept me since I haven't played in ages :(

Tuesday 12 June 2012

This is all too toooo funny

Mum and Dad come home from Costco with all this amazing food like bulgogi (korean beef), smoked salmon, gourmet pork sausages.

Me and Julia: who died

Take my advice

Never EVER sleep on an empty stomach. I swear I thought I was going to pass out last night because I skipped dinner to study for Chem, (which was kind of pointless because I probably failed that today). I even remember that my dreams consisted of food...
My very most important exam is tomorrow for Psych 3/4. When that is over there's going to be some major celebrations. And I still have the GAT on Thursday but come on, how the fuck can you study for it?

Saturday 9 June 2012

Love when my dads friend tries to get me in with his son who is apparently "as good looking and young" as him..


Went to the city today in the lovely Melbourne weather and bought myself a backpack which I've been needing for ages, some typo notebooks, a thermos to bring tea to school, a jumper, faceshop makeup remover and another pair of heels. Lol and on top of that I finally settled my korean food cravings yayaaaaaaa.

Thursday 7 June 2012

I'm sorry

The subtle flick of her hair

Workin' it

Definitely catching up after exams ya little shits xx
Sometimes I actually hate having asian parents so much. When I have my own kids, I'm going to be so understanding and chill, but also still push my kids to do well.

3 exams down

Methods (non calc)

Methods (calc)
Psych Sac

Next week:
What the hell, I'm finally gaining weight.. Thank you Winter for making me stay inside and having nothing better to do then to eat and sleep.

Monday 4 June 2012

-First exam tomorrow, methods no calc.
-Why does the Voice need to be showing right now, I should be studying.
-I'm missing my lezbos.
-Formal photos came today.
-I've decided that I'm going to carry my Psych 3/4 textbook everywhere with me.
-Need to start exercising soon because whenever I travel up to the Mgcs' level 3 stairs I get puffy, which just proves that  I am so fucking unfit.
-Having the biggest craving for Korean food omg.

Ft. the boyfriend. And please don't be too impressed with my HD quality photo.

Not my fault if I fail exams

A year has 365 days for you to study. After taking away 52 Sundays, there are only 313 days left. There are 50 days in the summer that is way too hot to work so there are only 263 days left. We sleep 8 hours a day, in a year, that counts up to 122 days so now we're left with 141 days. If we fooled around for only 1 hour a day, 15 days are gone, so we are left with 126 days. We spend 2 hours eating each day, 30 days are used in this way in the year, and we are left with 96 days in our year. We spend 1 hour a day speaking to friends and family, that takes away 15 days more and we are left with 81 days. Exams and tests take up at least 35 days in your year, hence you are only left with 46 days. Taking off approximately 40 days of holidays, you are only left with 6 days. Say you are sick for a minimum of 3 days, you're left with 3 days in the year to study! Let's say you only go out for 2 days... You're left with 1 day. But that 1 day is your birthday.

Welcome to the family

Sunday 3 June 2012

Why is blogger being a bitch

When I went on, all the blogs that I'd been following were gone and so I had to re-add  all the blogs for my reading list.
